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Angie's POV:

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I tossed and turned, fighting to keep my eyes closed for more than a couple minutes. But everytime I closed them I was met by horrific images and the sound of that girl's crying. The poor things deserved so much better than those horrible fates.

I had seen some horrific things in my time as a detective. I've seen things I could never forget. But this was different, because this time I felt so unprepared and even guilty. The bodies of those two girls were in those animatronic characters, yet I just ran and left them behind.

I tried to look on the bright side. I had managed to get both me and Bosco out of that death trap safely, even if it was a close call. But I knew I had to go back there. Those girls deserved to rest. All of them did.

My mind wouldn't stop racing, and I found myself getting out of bed and getting dressed once more. I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to rest at all until this case was solved. I was going to find out who did this if it was the last thing do.

The drive to the station was eerie. I had made the drive many times this late at night, but this time felt more daunting and intimidating. I almost felt as if I wasn't alone. I tapped my nails against the wheel, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. Now was not the time to be remembering how accurate Bosco's equipment seemed to be.

There were only a few officers at the station that night. I grabbed my bag that held what I had found at the site earlier that day, opening the front door to be met by more silence.

I tapped the front desk, making one of the trainees immediately raise her head from where she she had fallen asleep. "There's a coffee machine in the break room, Farrah."

The young girl yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Aren't you usually off by now?" She asked, looking up at me.

I sighed, walking down the hall to get to my office. "At this point kid, I'm never truly off."

I flicked the light on in my office and shut the door behind me, setting my bag down and immediately opening up the files again. Maddy and Daya's bodies were definitely in those costumes. But I still needed a lead on who put them there. And I had two more bodies to locate before I could do that.

I opened up Orion's file, the disk to her girlfriend's interrogation rolling out onto my desk. I could somewhat remember it even though I hadn't been present for it myself. The two officers who conducted it were fired by Sergeant Velour not long after she watched it. It was going to be a tough one to watch, but it possibly held some useful information.

As I brought my laptop out, my door was opened. I looked up to see Shea stepping inside, tilting her head. "You're here early."

I nodded as I opened up my laptop, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to see and hear. "I couldn't stop thinking about this case. Had to come work on it some more."

Shea nodded, sitting across from my desk. "Can't get Sasha away from it either." She sighed. "She's been looking through everything she can to find more information. Can't get that woman to rest at all."

I placed the disk inside the DVD compartment, glancing up at her. "I'm guessing that's why you're here. Trying to convince her to go home for a bit?"

"I tried." Shea huffed. "But failed. How was the first search today anyways?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that. I highly doubted she'd believe me if I said we were almost killed by blood thirsty robots, and I also didn't want her knowing I had just left two bodies behind. I sighed, tapping my pen against my desk. "It was weird. That Bosco girl picked up on some things."

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