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Bosco's POV:

"There's a couple places I would love to do some hunting in, I just don't think most people would approve very much." I said as Angie drove to the address she had written down. I was trying my absolute best to not speak about yesterday, even though I knew we were gonna have to eventually.

"Why not?" Angie asked as she turned a corner. She shivered, and I looked over at her to see Camden's faint outline curled up against her chest once more.

I shrugged in response. "Because they're like, homes that families were murdered in. I don't mean any harm when I go explore, I'm respectful. But some people think it's weird."

Angie slowly nodded, pulling up to an unfamiliar house. "Alright, we have rules. I know it's going to be tempting, but don't speak about Maddy and Daya's spirits or what we saw happen. We're going to tell this man about Maddy and her baby, ask him a few questions, and we'll be out of here. Got it?"

"Got it." I said, getting out of the car with her and walking up the pathway to the house. "Are you going to at least tell him we've found the bodies?"

Angie shook her head a little, knocking on the door. "Not yet. Not when we still haven't retrieved them." She stiffened a bit, glancing down at her arm. "...She still here?"

I smiled a little, finding Camden holding onto Angie's arm. She was looking at everything with wide eyes, not seeming to have heard Angie. "She's here. I think she likes all the flowers in the yard."

Before Angie could say anything else, the door opened. We were met by a taller scruffy looking man. He raised a brow, looking both of us over. "...I know why you're here. Detective Angeria, right?"

Angie looked surprised, holding her hand out. "That's me, and this is Bosco. You're Bryce, correct?"

He nodded, slowly shaking Angie's hand. "I am. I saw the story on the news. About that explorer. You're here to talk about Maddy, aren't you?"

"We are. If you're willing to speak with us." Angie said, earning a nod from Bryce. He stood back to let us in, looking a little nervous.

"Let's just...make this a little quick." Bryce said as we stepped inside. "I don't know when my wife and kids will be home, and I'm not sure how they'd react to me talking to you about an ex of mine."

"That's understandable." Angie said, letting Bryce lead us to his kitchen table. He took a seat, and I watched nervously as Angie placed her bag down. I wasn't sure how she was going to break the news to him, and I wasn't sure how he'd respond.

I took a seat beside her, eyeing her as she took out the bag containing the folded piece of paper and pregnancy test. We shared a look, and she took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"Before I ask you any questions, Bryce, I do have to share some of our findings with you..." Angie said, taking the contents out of the bag and sliding them over to him.

Bryce raised a brow, picking up the test and staring down at the result on it with wide eyes. "No..." He slowly shook his head.

Angie sighed, motioning towards the note Maddy had written for him years ago. Bryce unfolded it, starting to read the words. As he did, his horrified expression turned to sadness, then suddenly anger. He gripped the paper, looking down.

It was silent for a moment before he finally spoke. "You're telling me that whoever killed Maddy and Daya took the life of what would've been my child too...?"

Angie placed a hand on his arm, keeping him calm. "I'm so sorry, Bryce. I couldn't leave you in the dark about it when I found out."

Bryce shook his head, staring down at the pregnancy test. "I can't even...that hurts too much to think about..." He said just above a whisper. "I would've done anything to fix my relationship with Maddy if I would've known this. Maybe if I hadn't been such an ass I could've..." He trailed off, looking away from us and back down at the note. "Maybe her and our baby would still be alive..."

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