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❌Violence, blood, and fire❌(Warning for fire because I personally have a phobia of it lmao)

Angie's POV:

It hurt like hell to do so, but I ran. Jorgeous kept close to my side, her small frame shaking with every move we took. This place was a mess. Ride vehicles were seemingly thrown everywhere, soft happy music still playing from some of the rides. The ground felt like it was shaking under us, cracks covering the pavement. I couldn't remember if they had been there before or not.

"Bosco!" I called out for her, my chest heaving. It still felt as if electricity was running through my body. Everything was painful, and I had to try my best to ignore it.

I was answered with eerie silence. I shook my head and took Jorgeous's hand, pulling her behind me as I went to head back to the showroom.

I stopped when hearing familiar barking, turning around to look at one of the other paths. Oreo came running out of the mangled bushes, and I let out a sigh of relief. I fell to my knees, letting him jump into my arms. "Thank God you're okay..."

"A-Angie...?" Jasmine's voice called out from the same way Oreo had came. I looked up to find her walking slowly over the bushes, Bosco's arms slung over her shoulder as she carried most of her weight. "Oh my God you're okay..."

"Not really if I'm being honest, but Bosco..." My eyes widened as I looked her over. "Oh hun you don't look good at all..."

Bosco's clothes were ripped in multiple areas, blood spilling quickly from different injuries that covered her. I rushed to her side, taking my jacket off to wrap it tightly around the worst of the gashes.

"I-I'm okay..." She squeaked out, pulling her arm away from Jasmine in an attempt to stand on her own. "Was trapped in one of those stupid suits. But Daya and Maddy helped. Daya showed Jasmine how to get me out..." She almost lost her balance, gripping onto her girlfriend. "Angie we need to help them now and get out of here..."

"We're going to help them." I said determinedly, making sure her bleeding was at least somewhat under control. "I know how to do it. But you need to trust me."

I explained what happened. I told them everything. About being electrocuted, about finding Kerri's poor spirit trapped in that awful suit and under the control of Hastings, about how Dexter and Moxy had dragged Steven down with them. But most importantly, I told them what Kerri had said.

Bosco's eyes widened as I told them the plan. She slowly nodded, looking deep in thought. "We need to burn it all down..." She whispered. "I have matches in my bag. If we split up at different ends of the park and run back to the entrance, we can do it. It shouldn't be too hard with how overgrown this place is."

"With two of our biggest threats gone, we can do this." I said confidently, feeling a new rush of adrenaline.

"Just one problem..." Bosco said, her determined look turning to worry. "I don't know where my bag is."

"I do." Daya's voice spoke up. I turned to see her walking over with Maddy, both of their spirits glowing just a little brighter. "It was dropped when you were caught down there. I can take you down there to get it and make sure you're okay."

"And I know where the main power breaker is." Maddy said, sounding much more confident than the other times I had heard her speak. "If we cause a strong enough power surge, it can start a fire. I can lead someone to it."

I quickly nodded my head. It was all coming together. "That would work great. Take Jasmine and Jorgeous to it, I'll go with Bosco and Daya. And don't let them start the fire until the right time." I handed Oreo to Jorgeous.

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