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Bosco's POV:

Jasmine watched nervously as I packed up my equipment. She was still unsure about my participation in this case, and while I didn't blame her, I had been wanting to explore that place for years. "Bosco I don't know about this..."

"I'm going to be fine, baby." I told her, checking to make sure my thermal camera still worked. "I survived the Stanley Hotel, I did the Queen Marry just fine, this will be a breeze compared to those."

Jasmine just sighed, holding our cat to her chest. "I just don't want you getting hurt. I mean look at what happened to that Orion girl you used to watch. That wasn't long ago."

I shoved my dowsing rods into the side pocket of my bag, looking up to meet Jasmine's eyes. "I promise, I'm going to be okay. I'll be home by tonight."

"If you aren't then I'm going to look for you myself." She mumbled quietly. "I know you're talented at what you do, I know you're passionate about it, but this is a whole other level..."

I leaned over to kiss her lips softly, smiling as I laid a hand on her cheek. "I'll be just fine. Detective Angie will be with me anyways. I'll bring us home a ghost girlfriend or something."

Jasmine giggled a bit. "Don't you dare. We already have ghost children haunting all those dolls. We don't need someone else attaching themselves to us."

"No promises there." I said as I swung my heavy bag over my shoulders. I didn't control whether or not a spirit attached themselves to me, it just sort of happened if they liked the energy I gave off.

There was a honk from a car outside, and I gave Jasmine a quick kiss on her cheek. "She's here, I'll see you tonight."

She held onto me before I could make it out the door, hugging me to her chest. "Please be safe, Coco. Leave if you feel like something's off..."

I hugged her back, peppering her face in kisses in an effort to cheer her up. "I promise I will. I love you, Jazzy."

Jasmine took a deep breath, letting go of me so I could go out to Angie. "I love you too..."

I gave her one more kiss before hurrying to the car. I set my bag down gently in the back, sitting beside Angie in the front. "You don't get to drive a fancy police car like everyone else?"

Angie sighed, pulling away from my house. "It's an undercover one." She said, reaching for a bag and setting it in my lap. "Put that on."

I tilted my head, pulling a heavy vest out of the bag. "Why? It looks uncomfortable."

"Because Sergeant Velour told me to make you wear it." Angie glanced at me. I wasn't exactly sure if I was impressing her yet. "It's a bulletproof vest. You need to wear it since we don't know exactly what we're dealing with today."

I hesitantly put it on, leaning against the car door as Angie drove. The radio was off, just sounds from outside filling the car. I felt awkward, tapping my nails against the seatbelt. After a while, I couldn't stand the silence. "So...do you believe in the paranormal?"

"No." Was Angie's simple answer. She kept her eyes focused on the road. "No, I don't."

I raised a brow, not sure if I really believed her. "You really don't? Do you believe in the afterlife at all?"

Angie sighed. "I don't believe in ghosts, Bosco. That's why I don't know why Sergeant Velour thought you could help with this. This isn't a fun ghost hunt adventure for you to have fun with. This is serious."

I looked down a little, fidgeting with my hands. "I know it's serious." I mumbled. "I'm always respectful when it comes to contacting spirits. Especially when they're in distress. I take my work seriously just like you take yours seriously."

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