2 years later: Damage control crew

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Aleanna gulped awkwardly walking onto the grounds of the Digimax campus. It's been undergoing repairs ever since the infiltration 2 years ago as she went to this booth. "Hey long time no see" added one of the people running the booth that recognized Aleanna. "Er hi" responded Aleanna awkwardly. "What brings you here?" Asked The person. "Just walking, but your sign says there's volunteers you want?" She added. "You want to sign up?" Asked the person. Aleanna nodded and wrote her name down.

"Thanks so much, go join the damage control team, you can get orders of your job" the person doing sign up said. "Thank you" responded Aleanna before she headed to the location. The boss went to her and conversed before Aleanna got a duty to start simple because he didn't want her to push too hard. Some areas were finished, but needed a new paint job so Aleanna agreed to go help and headed into the classroom building. As she started painting though she did overhear a few people gossiping about her past. Others stepped in making her feel better when they said she wasn't in her right mind, she was controlled by King pewds. *"Well... I guess they have a point, you can't satisfy everyone immediately "* murmured Aleanna to herself. She just worked on painting areas that needed it.

During the work though one worker who hadn't trusted her yet took things too far and tripped her. She whimpered immediately starting to clean up the spilled paint. "That's what you get shadow steel servant" spat the one person. Aleanna whimpered not feeling confident in herself, but she saw someone step in. "Do you have any idea what you did?!" Snapped the rescuer. "Punished one of the leftover shadowsteel remnants" added the bully proudly. "No.... You bullied a victim who was with shadow steel against her will, not to mention a close friend of a member of digimax, you don't want Alexia's rage do you?" Asked the rescuer. Aleanna hid a smirk, she remembered that Alexia's wrath made many fear her, hence the bad first impression when Alexia initially joined Digimax.

The bully paled when the rescuer mentioned Alexia and Aleanna's friendship. He frantically bowed to Aleanna apologizing in a speedy pace. "Good, now get to the man in charge so he can punish you properly" added the rescuer sternly. The bully nodded leaving while Aleanna was helped up. "Thank you...." Added Aleanna quietly. "Hey it's no problem, these bastards need to come into the present, it's been 2 years since that day" responded the rescuer. Aleanna nodded a bit. "Are you hurt?" Asked the rescuer.

Aleanna shook her head a bit. "No... But... Will they allow me to talk to one teacher here?" Asked Aleanna. The rescuer looked confused. "Who would that be?". " Nikita.... The beauty guru teacher? " asked Aleanna. "Uh sure, I'll go tell the boss you needed a moment to recover yourself" he said. Aleanna thanked him and left to go to the beauty classroom. However the rescuer dropped the disguise revealing an unknown dark tuber, but he seemed to look like Will's friend Chris.

"Of course...." He said evilly before leaving. Aleanna though needed to navigate herself and did her best to find the classroom. "Wait.... What's that light?" She asked. She ran to look only to gasp seeing Nikita disappear into the computer. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "I got to try and call someone!".

(A/n: Digimax is back! But it's the start to the B-team! The original team is going to have a story of their own. Also next chapter is going to be the opposite perspective. Nikita's to bring together the overall story. A new Digimax adventure awaits. Hope you all enjoy!)

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