Union of brothers (Baasik recruited)

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The summon: Virus Cry used his power accessing the cyberspace and created the recruitment panel. "This is it, seek out who you want" added Virus Cry. Erwin looked to Gabriel. "Anyone in mind we should go for"? Asked Erwin. "There is no one I want more on our team then my brother Nate Brown also known as Baasik" responded Gabriel. The duo stepped up and they got Gabe's brother selected. An alert went off before the duo were taken through the sudden transport.

In a wild west town of cyberspace: Erwin and Gabriel reappeared looking around. "My brother is here?" Asked Gabe. "Seems so, but why the wild west and how would it tie to you?" Responded Erwin. Gabriel thought it over needing a moment before gasping getting an idea. "My brother's YouTube name is similar to Basilisk.... and that's a snake... and I'm carrying Alastor.... HE'S STRIKER!" exclaimed Gabriel. Erwin looked completely lost blinking blankly at him. "Um....enlighten me... please?" Asked Erwin. "I think you know who can explain better" added Gabriel.

Erwin gulped a bit, but allowed Alastor to take control. "ah, ȶh£ gr£aȶ ȿȶr¡k£r". "y۞ű ȿh۞űlȡ kȵ۞௰ ȶhaȶ ȶh£r£'ȿ a ȿ¡ȿȶ£r ȿh۞௰ ȶ۞ ற¡ȵ£ kȵ۞௰ȵ aȿ h£llűva b۞ȿȿ". "ȵ۞௰ ௰h¡l£ ȡ£ar gabr¡£l'ȿ br۞ȶh£r ȵ£v£r ௰aȿ ¡ȵv۞lv£ȡ ¡ȵ ȶh£ pr۞j£cȶ, gab£ ȿűgg£ȿȶ¡ȵg h¡ȿ br۞ȶh£r ȶak£ ۞ȵ ȶh£ ȡ£v¡۞űȿ ¡ȡ£ȵȶ¡ȶy ۞f h£ll'ȿ h¡r£ȡ h¡ȶறaȵ ȶ۞ k¡ll ȡ£ற۞ȵ r۞yalȶy ȿ۞űȵȡȿ pr£ȶȶy f¡ȶȶ¡ȵg". "ȶh۞űgh....ȶ£aற¡ȵg ௰¡ȶh ȿ۞ற£۞ȵ£ ۞f gr£aȶȵ£ȿȿ l¡k£ றyȿ£lf c۞űlȡ b£ qű£ȿȶ¡۞ȵabl£" explained Alastor. Erwin exhaled hearing the explanation. He then looked at the radio demon. "Then you're staying in control, and being here means this striker has some connection".

"௰£ll, y۞ű'll kȵ۞௰ ȶhaȶ by h¡ȿ ௰arȡr۞b£ ch۞¡c£ȿ" added Alastor. Erwin raised an eyebrow, but shrugged. "Let's hunt for striker" he said. The duo explored the wild west cyber town they were in. Alastor chuckled liking that the place was more favorable to the radio over TV. "h£h ȿ££றȿ ȶh£ laȵȡ ۞f ȶh£ hűறaȵȿ £v£ȵ ¡ȵ ȶh¡ȿ ௰۞rlȡ haȿ ȶh۞ȿ£ ௰h۞ fav۞r ற£ ۞v£r v۞x" he said. Erwin sighed facepalming. "I'm gonna deal with a lot" he said.

They stopped hearing what sounded like a rattlesnake nearby. "Cyber rattlesnake?" Asked Erwin scared. Alastor chuckled before pointing out a wild west dressed male with demon horns and tail plus a gold fang and snake like eyes staring them down. "Striker?" Asked Erwin. The figure immediately cocked a gun growling. "Wհσ δσ ψσմ ϯհίηƙ ψσմ αɾε ɕαʆʆίηɡ ʍε ɓψ ηαʍε, εςթεɕίαʆʆψ ϖհεη ί αʍ ςσʍεհσϖ ςϯմɕƙ ίη ϯհίς δαʍη ɓσδψ?!". "Hey whoa we aren't here to-" started Erwin. "௰£ll, pl£aȿűr£ ȶ۞ ற££ȶ ȶh£ gr£aȶ£ȿȶ h¡ȶறaȵ ۞f h£ll £v£r kȵ۞௰ȵ, bűȶ kȵ۞௰ y۞ű aȵȡ ¡ ar£ b۞ȶh ¡ȵ ȶh£ ȿaற£ b۞aȶ" interrupted Alastor as he approached Striker so nonchalantly.

"What are you-" asked Erwin only for Alastor to quiet him. Striker hissed looking at Alastor. "Εxɕմςε ʍε?" Asked Striker. Alastor explained the situation being casual, but coy which raised suspicion to Erwin. "What is he planning?" Wondered Erwin. He then saw Gabe and Nate take control immediately hugging each other. "I... guess he's settled" added Erwin. Gabe brought his brother over who held a hand out.

"Gabe told me why all the trouble, I'm honored to help you out" stated Nate B. Erwin smiled and shook his hand. "He's told me he wouldn't want anyone else on the team with us besides his brother" stated Erwin. Nate B felt honored and he and Erwin put on the matching wristbands. "Let's go, I need to get you both to the rest of the crew" added Erwin. The trio took off and went to find the main area for the team.

(A/n: Yes no action, but not everything has to be action filled. So we're gathering them all. And yes I crossed over with Hazbin and Helluva cause the brown duo have done things in the hype of the shows so that's why. Anyway hope you enjoy).

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