Past trauma (Garo's upgrade)

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(Garo and Max first).

Garo seemed to be alone at the moment feeling nervous. Max looked around as he helped Garo up. "Where did the portal take us?" Asked Garo. Max looked around checking the area before it showed a strange badlands area. "Sheesh gang territory" added Max. Garo gulped concerned and stood with Max. "Guess we better investigate into it" added Garo. He was having bad memories that connected to it.

The duo started investigating the area wondering what to do. "Any idea where to start?" Asked Garo. "Given I don't know the cyberverse?" Asked Max. Garo flinched remembering and apologized immediately. "It's fine, I play the games, never thought I'd be in one so to speak" added Max. The duo searched around for a potential clue. In hiding a new enemy awaited to strike. 8-bit renegade stretched a bit as he looked at the glitch beasts.

Unlike the last people, aka Pamik and Celine, he actually had some control on them.
"F⃜O⃜L⃜L⃜O⃜W⃜ T⃜H⃜E⃜M⃜, B⃜U⃜T⃜ D⃜O⃜N⃜'T⃜ B⃜E⃜ S⃜E⃜E⃜N⃜" he commanded. The glitch beasts nodded and went to follow Garo and Max. The duo looked around before Garo suddenly paled hearing familiar voices people have given him. *"You heard he was accused of pedophilia?"* he heard a voice say. Garo winced a bit before hearing it from another in agreement. He covered his ears not wanting to hear it. Max was concerned and tried to snap Garo out of it.

"Hey man wake up" added Max. Garo stepped back hearing all the accusations. The glitch beasts showed up around them making Max gasp. "GARO WAKE UP!!!!" he yelled. Garo was startled and looked over. "Whoa you look red eyed" added Max. Garo was crying, but gasped seeing the glitch beasts. "Yeah you're in no shape to summon Nexus" added Max immediately scooping him up.

Max took off carrying Garo checking the wristband before using wesker teleport and disappeared with Garo. The glitch beasts took off to try and locate them again. The duo reappeared somewhere else in this building. Max faced the teary eyed Garo and held him by the shoulders. "Ok, you need to talk to me" added Max. Garo sighed and sat down sadly. "Before I enrolled at the academy....well...I was a master in photography, should be familiar with cosplay right?" Asked Garo. "Well yeah of course, I mean I attended even a thing called Evo a few times, and I no joke cosplayed Ghost Rider for a skit video because people say I look like Nick Cage" responded Max.

Garo looked down sighing. "Some photos I took caused trolls and false accusations to come out, they labeled me a pedio". Max was wide eyed a bit and helped him feel comforted. "One of the many victims of scandals....oh man too many of those" added Max. Garo groaned a bit accepting the comfort. "Too many influencers of youtube have been there, been in your shoes" added Max. " joined the academy, you have me... I'm a proud partner to be helping you" he said. Garo looked down and coughed crying a bit.

The duo hugged each other smiling. Garo looked up and nodded. "Thanks Maximillion" he said. They gasped a bit when the beasts appeared. However, Garo noticed the wristband he wore glow and soon show he got an upgrade, but noticed Max wore a wristband too. "Ghost armor activated?" Asked Garo. Max was confused before he facepalmed. "Duh, I told you about the ghost rider thing" he said.

Garo faced the beasts determined. "Thanks for the confidence boost, shall we?" He asked. Max nodded ready to go. "Let's get them" he said. Garo activated the wristband determined and Max nodded. "Nexus, NEXUS GAME START!" exclaimed Garo with a fire in his eyes. Max cracked his knuckles suddenly turning into his style of ghost rider but had whole new cyber armor. "Ɩɛɬ'ʂ ƙıƈƙ ʂơɱɛ ƈყცɛཞ ცųɬɬ ცąცყ" he said evilly.

Garo grinned seeing he now wore cyber armor in the same color scheme. "I know enough comic and series information that unfortunately your signature attack is not going to work on those things" he said. "Ąɩཞɛąɖყ ƈơŋʂıɖɛཞɛɖ ɬɧąɬ ʂɛɬცąƈƙ, I ƈąŋ ɱąƙɛ ų℘ ʄơཞ ıɬ, ცųɬ I ƈąŋ ųʂɛ ıɬ ơŋ ῳɧơɛ۷ɛཞ ıʂ ƈơŋɬཞơɩɩıŋɠ ɬɧɛɱ, ცɛƈąųʂɛ ყơų ŋơɬıƈɛ ɧơῳ ɬɧɛყ ɩơơƙ?" Asked ghost nexus. Garo looked and nodded seeing it. "They're more stable then the last ones, so this is someone with a bit of digital control in this world" he said. Ghost Nexus nodded before he immediately went to attack them. Garo commanded in progress helping him out. Before the duo rejoined each other on defeat.

"Ghost Nexus game over" stated Garo letting Max have control back before they saw a portal appear. "We better find the others, hey you feel better?" Asked Max. Garo nodded responding, "yeah...I feel much better". The duo jumped right into the portal and it vanished hopefully it will take them back to the group.

(A/n: Fried my last phone or not I am back in action to get this written. And all other stories after. Erwin and Gabriel aka BlackGryph0n are next. Anyway hope you enjoy).

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