Power of love (Egorager recruited)

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Summon moment: Virus Cry used his power accessing the cyberspace and created the recruitment panel. "This is it, seek out who you want" added Virus Cry. Kendra and Suzie looked at the panel. "Please Kendra....I don't want anyone but one person" asked Suzie politely. "Your husband right?" Asked Kendra. "He's everything to me, I don't want anyone better" responded Suzie. "And plus he could use some payback". The duo made the choice and they disappeared in the transport.

Video game worlds: Kendra and Suzie appeared and looked around confused. "My eyes hurt" added Kendra. "Sorry, my husband played a lot of video games" apologized Suzie. "So... should I be aware of anything?" Asked Kendra. Suzie exhaled a bit. "Egorager...... I know of my husband's persona". "He's got a lot of anger...be aware that he won't come quietly... even with me helping you" responded Suzie. Kendra flinched hearing that.

"Great.... so might have his powers appear when he's mad" added Kendra. "Pretty much" stated Suzie. The duo headed forward shielding their eyes so the multitude of video games didn't bother them. "Mortition3r game start" added Kendra letting the persona take control ahead of time and they covered the eyes with the veils their armors have. "Duh" they both said over how stupid they were not remembering that. The duo continued forward soon entering this room that was set like a studio. They saw an angry looking male face them which made Kendra go pale. "He looks like he could be the hulk" added Kendra seeing the state of Egorager.

"ł₦₮ⱤɄĐɆⱤ₴!" Yelled Egorager before he was joined by many video game enemies. The duo gasped while Mortition3r prepped up to fight. "ᎻᎬ ᎳᎾᏁ'Ꮖ ᏞᎥᎦᏆᎬᏁ ᏒᎥᎶᎻᏆ ᏁᎾᎳ ᎬᏉᎬᏁ ᎥᎰ Ꭵ ᏆᏒᎽ ᎦᎾ ᎳᎬ'ᏞᏞ ᎻᎪᏉᎬ ᏆᎾ ᎰᎥᎶᎻᏆ ᎦᎾ ᎻᎬ ᏞᎬᏆ'Ꭶ ᎾᎰᎰ ᎦᏆᎬᎪᎷ!" Added Mortition3r taking note of current conditions. "Honestly everyone needs those moments so we're doing this to relax him" added Kendra understanding the feeling. "Show your husband what you got" commanded Kendra. Mortition3r nodded and started battle showing her stuff. "ᎦᎾᏒᏒᎽ ᏴᎪᏴᎬ, ᏆᎥᎷᎬ ᏆᎾ ᎦᏆᏒᎥᏦᎬ ᎪᏁᎠ ᎶᎬᏆ ᎽᎾᏌ ᎰᎾᏟᏌᎦᎬᎠ" added Mortition3r. "฿₳฿Ɇ?!" Exclaimed Egorager.

Mortition3r attacked hard and was able to remember the weaknesses. She then faced Egorager. She got in position showing she's willing to have Egorager let off steam. Her husband seemed to get the idea and went to attack. "He's liking the idea that you're letting him blow off steam" added Kendra. Mortition3r nodded fighting her husband gently. "ᎬXᎪᏟᏆᏞᎽ.... ᎽᎾᏌ ᎶᎾᏆ ᏆᎾ ᏦᏁᎾᎳ ᎳᎻᎪᏆ'Ꭶ ᏴᎬᎦᏆ ᎰᎾᏒ ᏴᎾᏆᎻ ᏆᎻᎬ ᎻᏌᎦᏴᎪᏁᎠ ᎪᏁᎠ ᏆᎻᎬ ᎳᎥᎰᎬ". "ɎØɄ ₭₦Ø₩ ₥Ɇ ₩ɆⱠⱠ" added Egorager to respond to Mortition3r.

Kendra exhaled respectfully choosing not to tell how to attack. Egorager called it quits after a bit and kissed Mortition3r. "ɎØɄ'ⱤɆ ₳Ⱡ₩₳Ɏ₴ ₴Ø ₴₮ⱤØ₦₲ ฿₳฿Ɇ" stated Egorager. "ᎦᎾᎷᎬᎾᏁᎬ'Ꭶ ᎶᎾᏆ ᏆᎾ ᏦᎬᎬᏢ ᎽᎾᏌ ᎦᎪᏁᎬ" added Mortition3r kissing back. She explained everything that's been happening and why she's back in the cyberspace world despite everything she's been through so Egorager could listen. Kendra stepped forward to the duo. "Kendra Erso, cousin of digimax member Aaron, I heard a lot about you from your wife" she said holding a hand out, but blushing shyly. Egorager looked at her before Arin took back control.

"Don't be shy, it's nice to meet you and glad you're keeping my wife safe" added Arin shaking hands with her. Suzie took control and faced Arin. "I wanted you here to team with us and help" she said. Arin looked over and decided to be joking with them. "Well it's about time I'm in on the action!" He joked. "The game grumps, both former members and current have been on the sideline this entire time even with all the work Digimax has done". The two laughed getting the joke as Arin immediately placed on a wristband and gave one to Kendra. "Suzie didn't want anyone to be her second partner that I align with except her own beloved" added Kendra giggling as she felt better.

"And that she should" added Arin hugging her. Suzie grinned hugging back. "Lets go we better find the others" added Kendra as she took off with the lovebirds.

(A/n: Shorter and more simple but worth it. We still got one more to join. Anyway hope you all enjoy)!.

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