Glitched up city

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On arrival, Kendra gulped a bit as they entered into this computerized town. Erwin faced Aleanna crossing his arms. "Ok who's the masked mage?" He said. Garo frowned as well while Virus Cry sighed. "Obviously we'll need a lot of details, we're the only two new to this" added Max pointing to Adriana and himself. "I don't know much myself, except that apparently she's called Ebony Marth" added Aleanna. "She was marked as a potential Shadowsteel member, but one of the forced youtubers that was made a spy said there was no one by that name in Shadowsteel" stated Liza. Susie freaked out when part of the town glitched and looked strange.

"Ebony isn't an expert on coding and these conditions in the cyberverse seem to show neither is anyone who may be working with her" added Virus Cry comforting a nervous Adriana. Everyone freaked out when things glitched in and out. "Ok, so that means at any point we're gonna have to be ready for the town to flip on us, literally" added Garo frowning. The group started walking to try and explore the place for any clues. Erwin decided to try his luck and chat with Aleanna and Liza. "So, didn't start off on the best experience as a summoner" he said. Aleanna and Liza sighed. "Not really.... When Shadowsteel still existed, the first Shadowsteel, King Pewds brainwashed numerous youtubers and civilians to do his bidding including both of us" responded Liza.

Gabriel (Blackgryph0n) stayed close to Erwin on guard. "So you two were brainwashed, and I was a hostage" he said. "I got rescued first, but Liza was still deep in their control, I was freed thanks to Alexia". " She and I have been friends for a while, we both got taken prisoner though, except she escaped and was lucky to find a dark tuber who was locked up that said he wished to betray Shadowsteel and she broke him out " explained Aleanna. "Ah, Antisepticeye the whistleblower for the team" added Erwin. "Yeah I heard about that". Liza chuckled a bit. "If Alexia didn't get Antisepticeye out, who knows what could've happened".

Adriana gulped avoiding a glitch out thanks to Virus Cry. " Can't we stabilize this?! " exclaimed Max. "Let me" added virus cry. He concentrated his power and used it on the surrounding environment. The group stepped back a bit so they didn't get hit. Sure enough Virus Cry was able to stabilize the city as he got caught by everyone the moment he nearly collapsed. "Don't overdo yourself like that" added Susie. Virus cry apologized as he recovered himself and rejoined Adriana.

Aleanna led the way with guidance help by the entire coding club who were tech savvy. They headed on forward before Garo walked into this one building. He gasped finding something that was a black book of sorts. "Hey... Is this anything?" He asked. The group came over and checked it out. "Black book usually means anything from suspects to information" added Liza. Garo opened it up to see what's inside. "Encryptions" added Erwin.

He took the book looking excited as Gabriel facepalmed. "Sorry, he loves this kind of stuff" apologized Kendra.
Aleanna giggled a bit impressed with how these rookies are, but knows they're not perfect. Erwin looked embarrassed and offered the information too. "Sorry..." He apologized. Virus cry gulped a bit, but shrugged. "I guess we better see if anything can be decoded". Erwin grinned and got in position.

"Leave it to me, I'll give you my knowledge" added Erwin. "But I don't think I'll be able to decode all of it right away". " Take it slow, we'll only take a little " added Aleanna. Everyone else nodded giving Erwin the free reign. "We'll work on taking down Ebony little by little" added Liza.

(A/n: I know I'm doing all this different from normal. Anyway, hang tight. Hope you all enjoy. I am sorry if it's not normal, but I'm going new styles).

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