Secrets of Ebony's force

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The group returned and rejoined to talk over what's been learned. "New armors and upgrades but everyone seems to have a more harmonious energy" added Virus Cry. "We got this" added Erwin. "I'm open to be the leader" added Aleanna. "This is a mission for everyone" stated Garo. "I'm ready" added Kendra. All the partners agreed. "But someone was sloppy" added Gabriel.

The group froze confused. A file was laid out for them which drew their attention. "Ebony's file?" Asked Liza Split. "Someone left a file of her entire team" added Virus Cry after taking a scan. Aleanna opened it and the group laid out the information. "Dr demon, Garudster, Zolzar, Pamik Attack and Celine....jeckercyde?" Read Kendra. "But this talks about someone named 8-bit renegade" stated Erwin checking the encryption book. Everyone was confused why this 8-bit renegade wasn't in the file.

"Maybe he left the file" added Max. Suzie shrugged a bit. "Aleanna?" Asked Adriana. "We can try a start to break the forces.....but...eventually we should consider what digimax did, a second ally" stated Aleanna showing a more confident side. The group looked around confused. "We better keep moving". Liza sighed a bit. "This is just annoying".

As they looked around the place Ebony Marth watched all of them. She frowned a bit seeing them all. On command she sent out a squad of beasts plus Zolzar to go for the group. "Let's just see how you really are Eril..." She whispered. Zolzar studied the area below him as he was with the beasts. Back with the crew though Virus Cry seemed to be nervous. "Penny for your thoughts?" Asked Suzie. Virus Cry looked at them before he mentioned one of the names...Zolzar.

"Can understand why he's nervous... we all should be" added Gabriel. Aleanna looked over in result. "According to Alastor, that...modern day file is no where close to what the black wing reaper is like". "Zolzar is a reaper who was corrupted in his anger and grief due to the demon Lilith slaughtering his entire village, equal in power to Digimax's Raef, Zolzar is the ultimate rival and a professional in powers of the dead...Necromancy" explained Gabriel. Everyone was freaked out hearing that. Kendra his her face shaking. Erwin and Garo looked grim with Suzie, Adriana, and Max stunned in silence. "Oh fuck we're in for a tough one" added Liza.

They continued forward soon entering through a digital portal together ending up in a new location. "Keep together, Ebony has to have hidden the captives somewhere.... even though the cyberspace is vast" added Aleanna. "Looks like we're in some city scape" added Garo. "At least it's not hell" stated Kendra. Erwin decoded more of the book they had nodding a bit. "You have something?" Asked Aleanna. Virus Cry scanned the city area. "Maybe, this seems to discuss what the teachers are for" added Erwin.

The group looked at him. "I guess in basics Ebony needs the power of the devices for summoning, she's not looking to kill the teachers and their partners, some kind of utmost respect and to prove she's not like shadowsteel" stated Erwin as he's looking it over. "Kidnapping already is like Shadowsteel" responded Virus Cry, Aleanna and Liza all at once. The rest were stunned at the synch of the response. "Ok, that's scary with how in sync that was" added Kendra. Adriana, Max, Gabe, Garo and Suzie agreed. Erwin double checked what he's translated. "It's unclear precisely what the power is for though... but she mentions there's someone she's following the orders of" he added.

Aleanna snapped her fingers pointing out the book. "Called it, she's a lackey" added Aleanna. Max noticed a black winged figure in the distance coming at them. "Uh black wings at 6 o clock" he said. "What?" Asked Garo confused. "RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND YOU!!!" Exclaimed Max. Aleanna gasped and everyone dodged immediately seeing Zolzar with a flying squad. "Aaaaaannnnd there's the b-black wings" stuttered Adriana.

Zolzar chuckled facing the group. "s̷o̷r̷r̷y̷ t̷o̷ c̷o̷m̷e̷ i̷n̷ t̷h̷e̷ m̷i̷d̷d̷l̷e̷ o̷f̷ y̷o̷u̷r̷ p̷a̷r̷t̷y̷ u̷n̷a̷n̷n̷o̷u̷n̷c̷e̷d̷". He had the beasts with him surround the group as he brought out his black and grey scythe. "b̷u̷t̷ i̷'m̷ f̷o̷l̷l̷o̷w̷i̷n̷g̷ o̷r̷d̷e̷r̷s̷ t̷o̷ s̷t̷o̷p̷ y̷o̷u̷ h̷e̷r̷e̷".

(A/n: Finally finished after delays and distractions. Code-V is coming along and yes some hints here tie to a sequel story. Anyway, hope you all enjoy).

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