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Maya, I'm pregnant

You are what? Pregnant?
Oh my god Andy that's great.
I can't believe that I'm going to be Aunt Maya.
As I hugged Andy I noticed that she started to cry. Hey, hey, why are you crying? That's wonderful news Andy.
Nothing to cry for.
But how is all this supposed to work?
My job, my life Maya tell me how am I supposed to do it all? Look at me Andy. You are going to be a wonderful mom.
I will always be by your side and be there for you.
And with your job hey you might not be able to put out fires but I will find a job for you. I promise to you.
I know you don't like office work, but to keep you feeling like you're with your family, this is a good solution.
And you can ride in the ambulance and help Ben.

While I dried Andy's tears with my fingers she said thank you Maya you are and remain the best friend anyone can have.
So Andy no more tears except they are tears of joy.
So tell me who is the father? Do i know him?
That brings us to the next problem, the father doesn't know anything about it yet.
Andy you didn't know anything about it until a few minutes ago so how did he know about it. Who is it? Maya it's Jack. Jack is the father. Wow Andy are you serious?
Jack Jack ? Jack Gibson? Our Jack?
Yes Maya our Jack. When did that happen?
I didn't know you were in a relationship.
This is complicated Maya.
Jack and I had sex once and wow Maya I can tell you it was hot.
When did you have sex?
It's been a while. But it happened over and over again.
And we're both kind of attracted to each other.
But because we work together we never talked about it for fear that there would be a problem.
And now I'm pregnant. How am I supposed to tell him that? Look at me Andy you'll call him in a minute he looked very concerned when I met him earlier.
Then you tell him to come here and then you talk to him, ok?
Ok Maya I will do it. Come here. I hugged Andy tightly again.
Andy I have to go back. As soon as you can go home let me know and I'll pick you up.
Thanks Maya See you later .

After I left Andy's room and went to the elevator, there she was, the brown-haired beauty.
Hey Doctor. Thank you Dr. DeLuca for taking such good care of Andy. And I gave her my best smile.
Carina, my name is Carina. Maya and shook her hand.
Nice to meet you Carina.
Wow those smiles how can a person have such a beautiful smile like her.
I gave her another smile and got on the Elevator.


Wow what is that a beautiful woman. Her smile.
Her eyes as blue as the Ocean back in Italy.
I could lose myself in those eyes.
Stop it, Carina, you don't even know if she likes women.
As I walked towards Andy's room, I thought about the best way to find out.
After I knocked on Andy's door and entered the room, I briefly thought about how to address the topic of Maya.

Andy how are you feeling? I feel .... Pregnant.
And Andy smiled at me.
After we've done all your tests, you can go home tonight. Thanks Dr. DeLuca.
Please call me Carina. Well then Carina.
Andy can I ask you something?
Yes sure everything .
Does your friend Maya have children too?
Ohhh no Maya and children never.
And what does her boyfriend say about that?
Who says she has a boyfriend? Or that she likes men?
Why are you asking Carina?
I don't know Andy but when I looked at her and looked into her eyes I got lost in them.
Carina listen to me I love Maya but she is very complicated and you seem like a nice woman.
So I have to tell you straight up Maya has never been in a relationship.
She prefers more one-off sex experiences.
But maybe you can change her mind about it.
Deep down, Maya is a wonderful person.
I'll give you her number and maybe you can meet up for coffee.
You never know what will happen.
Thanks Andy . I really want to get to know her better she has something I can't explain.
After Andy gave me Maya's number I left the room.
So she seems to be into both sexes that's fine.
I took my phone out of my pocket, saved Maya's number under „The Blonde Firefighter" and wrote a message.

Message to: The Blonde Firefighter

Hey Maya it's Carina I just wanted to let you know that Andy will be released from the hospital tonight. And if you have the time and desire to have a coffee with me.

Oh my god Carina you really sent the message. I hope she doesn't think I'm a stalker or something.
I put the phone back in my pocket and headed to my office.


After Carina had loaded my room, I picked up my phone and dialed Jack's number.
Andy hey how are you ? Thanks Jack I'm fine.
What did the Doctos say?
Jack, that's exactly why I'm calling you.
We need to talk. Andy what's up you scare me.
Can you please come to the hospital so we can talk?
Of course I'll be right there. But Andy please tell me what's going on?
Jack I... I.... I do not know how to say it.
Andy come on what's up?
Jack I'm pregnant.
Oh wow Andy that's great. I'm so happy for you. For real. But why should I come to the hospital so we can talk? Damn Jack you don't understand anything either do you? Jack I'm pregnant and you're the father.
I just heard Jack say wow and the call ended.
Super Andy you messed everything up. You can't do your job anymore and now you've probably lost your best friend too.

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