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The last thing I could remember was getting in my car and driving home, all I could think about was Carina.
And then it got dark

When I opened my eyes I felt the pain in my head.
I touch my forehead and see that I'm bleeding.
What the hell happened here?
I tried looking left and right but couldn't see anything.
So I grabbed my phone and dialed the phone number that was first in my phone book.

Bishop how was your date you just have to tell me everything.
Did everything work out the way you imagined?
In a low and painful voice I said Andy's name.
Andy I need help.
Maya what's up? I heard her say in a worried voice.
Maya answer me please.
Andy I think I had an accident.
Ahhh my head is hurting Andy please help me.
Maya where are you?
I don't know on a road on the way home.
Please Andy, hurry up, my head hurts.

The last thing I heard was Andy's voice saying,
"I'll find you"


After the phone call with Maya I took my phone and went to the lounge where everyone was seated.
Guys we have to go now.
Andy what's up why are you crying?
Heyyy what's up?
What about Bishop?
I don't know.
She called me and said her head was hurting and that she had an accident and was on a road on her way home.

Jack got up ....
19 let's save our Captain.
Ben and I get in the ambulance and everyone else gets in the fire truck.
On the way to the place where Maya is, so many thoughts went through my head.
I picked up the radio and gave Maya's location and said it was around the corner.
As we came around the corner I saw her car.
And wish it was just a dream.
I jumped out of the car and lay next to her in the car.

Maya can you hear me ?
Maya are you listening we are all here and we are going to get you out of it now.
Please hold on, do you understand me?
All she said was just my name.

After what felt like an eternity, Jack, Miller and Travis had Maya out of their car.
We put a Stifnek on her because we didn't know how badly she had injured herself.
We put her on the stretcher and Ben did a quick medical check up with Maya.
Maya can you hear me?
Do you have pain anywhere?
Head hurts. That's all she said.
He put her on the IV and gave her painkillers first.
He put her on the monitor to see what the EKG was like, her blood pressure and checked her oxygen saturation. Everything stable. We can go.
Bishop listen to me stay awake we're almost there.
Do you understand me?
Andy you stay behind and watch out for Maya.
During the short drive it felt like an eternity which is the only thing Maya says the whole time:


When we got to the hospital, Amelia and Maggie were already waiting.
Ben what do we have?
30-year-old female firefighter with a headache after a traffic accident.
Occasionally always unconscious again but awake again after repeated requests.
Orientation currently not assessable.
Maya it's Amelia do you hear me I'll take care of you and do everything to make you healthy again.
I noticed how Maya put her hand on mine with all her strength, woke up, looked at me and said the name Carina very clearly.
I promise you Maya I will inform Carina I promise you and then she passed out again.
After we did a CT scan of her head and ruled out cerebral hemorrhage and other brain injuries, we took her to the intensive care unit for monitoring.
I approached Andy.
So Andy no bleeding no more injuries in the brain.
No other serious injuries except for a few bruised ribs and a small laceration to the head, all of which are healing quickly.
The only thing I haven't done is I haven't informed Carina yet.
And that's the last thing Maya said to me as she passed out again.
I think we should call Carina.
You're right, but would it be possible for you to go to her house and tell her there and then I can come here together? I don't want her driving in a moment of shock.
I know my Italian friend and how she reacts when she receives such messages.
Of course I'll go straight to her, let her know and come here with her.
And you Amelia, take good care of our Captain in the meantime.
Will be done.
I turned around and took a taxi and made my way to Carina.
I had no idea how to teach her that without freaking her out.

A New Feeling Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon