**Chapter 8**

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On the way home I kept thinking about her and how beautiful she looked. 
Her eyes every time I look into her eyes I get lost in them. 
If you look deeper into her eyes, you can see the pain she carries as she spoke about her past. 
When I got home to my apartment I took a deep breath. 
Ok, Carina, that went quite well today. 
And she wants to see you again and a smile crossed my lips. 
I took my phone out of my pocket and opened Maya's contact.
and changed her name from **The Blonde Firefighter** to 

Message to**Bella**

Ciao Bella,
I just wanted to let you know that I got home safely.  The afternoon with you was wonderful and I'm looking forward to our next date. 
Before I forget you looked beautiful today. 
I wish you a good night and sweet dreams. 
(Message send)

After I sent the message I put my phone on my bedside table, quickly took a shower and got on my bed. 
As I lay in bed, a few thoughts ran through my head.  But the last thought I had was......



After I got back from my Date with Carina I dialed Andy's number. 
Hey Maya and how was your date? 
Tell me everything. 
Well it was beautiful and wow Andy she looked so stunning I can't even describe it to you. 
We met in an Italian café.  We talked. 
About our past.  I told her about my father and my brother. 
You what, Maya? 
You really told her the story about your father? 
Wow Maya I'm so proud of you. 
To this day you haven't told anyone about it but me.  She seems really important to you. 
I can't explain it to you I felt so safe and secure in her presence and I want to do this right. 
And do everything right from the start. 
She awakens feelings in me that I have never been aware of before. 
And just thinking about her makes me warm and my heart beats 1000 times faster than usual.

Do you meet again ?
I told her that I will plan the next date so yes , I will see her again and I want it to be very special. 
Wow Maya this doesn't sound like the old Maya I know but I like the new Maya. 
You really seem to care about her.
Don't screw it up, Maya. 
I know ,Andy I know . 
I will certainly need your help with some things because this is all new to me. 
These feelings are new to me. 
I'm here for you Maya. 
I will always be there when you need me. 
Thanks Andy .
See you tomorrow. 
I love you. 
I love you too, Maya 

After I hung up and got to my apartment, I put my phone on my nightstand, got in the shower, and got into bed. 
I picked up my phone to set my alarm and saw a message from Carina.

Message from**Hot Italian goddess**

Ciao Bella,
I just wanted to let you know that I got home safely.  The afternoon with you was wonderful and I'm looking forward to our next date. 
Before I forget you looked beautiful today. 
I wish you a good night and sweet dreams. 

As I read the message I could hear her voice in my ears. 
I changed her name to **Beautiful**

Message to**Beautiful**

I'm glad you got home safely.
I'm lying in bed right now and had to think of you.  I'm already looking forward to our next date. 
I also had a wonderful afternoon with you. 
Let me know when you have time next time so I can plan something nice for us. 
I really want to get to know you better. 
And that's saying something, I've never said anything like that to anyone. 
I also wish you a good night and sweet dreams my beautiful. 
(Message send)

After I sent Carina the message I set my alarm clock, put my phone down and my last thought before I fell asleep was....



I was woken up by my alarm clock. 
I turned off the alarm and went to the kitchen to make my coffee like I do every morning. 
Then I turned on the music and took a shower. 
After my morning routine, I went back into the living room and picked up my phone and saw a message from **Bella**.
Nervous, I opened the message and read it.

Message from **Bella**

I'm glad you got home safely.
I'm lying in bed right now and had to think of you.  I'm already looking forward to our next date. 
I also had a wonderful afternoon with you. 
Let me know when you have time next time so I can plan something nice for us. 
I really want to get to know you better. 
And that's saying something, I've never said anything like that to anyone. 
I also wish you a good night and sweet dreams my beautiful. 

Wow she really wants to see me again. 
I can't wait to see this beauty again. 
I picked up my phone and texted her back.

Message to**Bella**

Good morning Bella,
I hope you slept well. 
I would be happy if we see each other again soon. 
On Friday I'm only on duty until 7 p.m., so after that I have time because Saturday is my day off. 
So if it suits you too, I'm all yours that evening. 
Have a nice day and please take care. 

After I sent the message, I grabbed my coffee and headed to work.

When I got to the hospital I met Amelia outside. 
Hey Carina, Hey Amelia. 
How are you feeling today? 
I feel great thank you.
Oh wow there's that smile on your face again. 
Did you have your date? 
Yes yesterday and it was great.  She's gorgeous.  Who's the lucky one that puts a smile on your face like that? 
It's Maya, do you know her? 
Maya.  hmm  But you don't happen to mean Captain Maya Bishop? 
Exactly this Maya. 
Oh wow Carina. 
That's a tough nut to crack. 
How do you mean? 
Well, I only know her as I take a new woman or a new man home every Wednesday, have sex with them and throw them out of the apartment again. 
But when you say she wants to meet you again, you seem really special to her. 
Carina I have to go I have an Surgery now. 
I'll see you later for lunch. 
Bye Amelia. 

After Amelia left I thought about what she said but I didn't get the feeling that Maya only wanted to sleep with me. 
Then why would she want to schedule a date with me when she just wants to get me in bed. 
I don't believe that. 
That was my last thought. 
I went to my office, changed my clothes and made my way to the patient rounds.


After my alarm clock rang at 5 a.m. and I had done my usual lap, I came home, took a shower and made myself a coffee. 
As I sipped my coffee I saw my phone screen flashing.  I picked up my phone and saw the name **Beautiful** My heart warmed and I smiled.
I opened the message.

Message from**Beautiful**

Good morning Bella, I hope you slept well. 
I would be happy if we see each other again soon. 
On Friday I'm only on duty until 7 p.m., so after that I have time because Saturday is my day off. 
So if it suits you too, I'm all yours that evening. 
Have a nice day and please take care. 

I smiled and texted her back.

Message to**Beautiful**

Good morning my beauty . 
I slept well, thank you. 
Friday night sounds perfect. 
I work until 6pm and have Saturday off like you. 
I'll pick you up at the hospital on Friday. 
I won't tell you where to go, but dress elegantly but not too exaggeratedly.
I am looking forward to Friday.  Please take care of yourself. 
(Message send)

I just wrote Andy a message.

Message to **Andy**

Andy I need your help. 
I have an Date with Carina on Friday evening and I told her to dress elegantly. 
So now I need your help for a fancy restaurant.  Please please Andy you have to help me.
(Message send)

I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my coffee, and headed to work. 
The only thing that went through my head... 

I'll see her again on Friday

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