**Chapter 7**

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**Wow you are so beautiful.**


Before I could think, I said it out loud.
What does she think of me now?
I mean you look good.
And she made my cheeks flush again.
It's okay Bella.
I see what you mean you look beautiful too.
Come sit down .
I sat across from her.
My god that smile and those eyes how can I ever get enough of it.
Is everything alright Maya? Um yes all good I was just dreaming.
I hope for something nice? Oh absolutely beautiful.
And I gave her a smile.
The waitress came to our table.
Ladies, what do you want to drink?
For me a latte with coconut syrup. And a double espresso and still water for me, please.
The waitress wrote it down and walked away from our table.


So Maya tell me about yourself .
All I know about you is that you're a Captain
Yes as you say i am Captain.
The youngest and first female Captain.
Getting there wasn't always easy.
When I was young I was an Olympic champion.
My father took me to first place.
I was very thankful for that.
Up to a certain point. I could feel her voice shaking as she told me about it.
Maya is okay, you don't have to talk about it if you're uncomfortable.
No, no all good. I feel comfortable around you so I can talk about it.
When I was young I had to get up at 4am every morning and run for 2 hours before I could go to school.
He woke me up every morning.
And if I didn't want to get up because I was tired, there were always consequences.
So I did what he wanted. He was my coach.
And if I didn't come first after a competition, he made me walk home.
No matter how far the way was.
While my parents and my brother were eating in the evening, I didn't get any food as punishment for not taking first place.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw the waitress walking towards us so I stopped the conversation for a moment. Here, ladies, your drinks.
She put our drinks on the table, smiled at us and left our table.
Anyway, at some point when I got older I decided to join the fire department.
My father was never enthusiastic about it.
My mother, on the other hand, always supported me.
My father only accepted my job after he found out that I was the Captain of my fire station.
My brother was always in my shadow. He loved art.
He's a great Artist.
My father never accepted his passion because it wasn't a sporting passion.
So my brother slipped into bad circles.
While Maya was telling me part of her life and I realized how much she was struggling with it and how difficult it was for her to talk about it, I wanted to hug her and say it all will be fine again.
While I told Carina a lot about my past, I hadn't told anyone about my past and my father except for Andy.
Why is it not difficult for me to talk about it with her.
I feel like I've known her for half my life.


So enough about me for now, what about you Dr. DeLuca? Tell me your stories about your past and your life.
As you can see, I grew up in Italy, more specifically in Sicily. My Papa was a very respected doctor there.
My Mamma was a nurse.
After a few years my Mamma got pregnant and I got a fratellino which means little brother.
His name is Andrea.
After we had a good childhood my Papa got weird and changed over time. He became sick.
At that time, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder was diagnosed.
My parents fought for months so my Mamma decided to take us out.
Since I didn't want to leave my Papa alone and I was the only one who had him under control.
I asked my Mamma to take my little baby brother with her and to disappear from Italy.
When my Mamma and my brother left, he was 9 years old.
A few years later my Mamma got sick and died.
When she told me about her mom, I noticed tears collecting in Carina's eyes and a few tears running down her cheeks. So I plucked up courage and put my hand on her hand and stroked her hand with my thumb.
Hey Carina it's ok you don't have to keep talking if it's too hard for you.
No it's fine Maya I'm ready to talk to you about it.
I kept my hand on her hand it just felt good and familiar. And that Carina didn't seem uncomfortable for her, I left my hand there.
After my Mamma died, I visited my brother regularly.
1 year ago, when I was last here, I realized that my brother was different.
We established that he had the same diagnosis as my Papa. So I decided to leave Italy and my Papa and move here to be close to my brother. To take care of him.
He is a doctor himself and works in the hospital like me.
So I can always keep an eye on him there.
The waitress came to our table again.
Would you like something else to drink, ladies?
We both answered at the same time no we want to pay. While I took out my card to pay, Carina said, „I'll pay."
After she paid, we walked out the door together.
Thanks for the invitation Carina.
I'll pay next time. Oh so is there a next time?
I hope so unless you don't want it.
Relax Bella. Of course I would like to see you again.
Well, then, I'll plan the next date.
So a date huh. I would say yes.
Carina, can I accompany you to your car? Of course you can.
There was a comfortable silence on the way to her car. When she got to her car, she put her purse on the passenger seat and turned to face me.
Thank you Maya for the nice afternoon, I really enjoyed the time with you and I'm looking forward to our next date.
I also really enjoyed Carina.
Carina came up to me and hugged me for a while.
When she let go of me, I plucked up courage and kissed her cheek very close to the corner of her mouth.
How I would have liked to kiss her on her beautiful lips, but I thought that was too early.
Thanks for the day Maya.
She kissed me on the cheek turned and walked to her car and got in it.
Before I was about to leave I heard her open the window and said „Come home safe and take care Bella"
I smiled at her and said „I always take care of myself"
She gave me a smile and let's go.

Wow, what was that.
Maya, I don't know you at all.
Was my only thought.
All I could think about was......

.... When can I finally kiss this stunning woman?

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