**Chapter 5**

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Since the day has been quiet so far, I decided to do a little workout. 
I turned on the music and started my workout. 
I heard my phone ring but decided to ignore it. 
After my workout, I took a shower and changed my clothes.  All I could think about was why hasn't she answered me yet. 
Maya stop thinking so much. 
She is a doctor maybe she has a lot to do . 
After returning to my office I thought about my phone and how it rang a while ago. 
So I picked up my phone and checked who it was. 
When I heard the name **Hot Italian Goddess** my heart beat 1000 times faster than usual.
Breathe Maya breathe. 
I opened the message but before I could read it my phone went dead.  The battery was empty. 
Shit why now of all times. 
There must be a charging cable somewhere in my office.  But with my luck that day, of course, there was no cable in my office. 
Super Maya today really is your day. 
Now I have to wait until I'm home to charge my phone. 

All I thought about is now she probably thinks I'm not interested.


After being called for a delivery and cesarean, I went to my office and changed my clothes. 
Since I still had some patient files to go through, I decided to take them home as my shift for the day was over. 
But before I wanted to go home, I thought about stopping by Andy's for a moment. 
I knocked and waited for the ok to come in. 
Hey Andy, before I go home, I wanted to stop by and ask you if you're okay and if you have any questions about your pregnancy? 
That's so nice of you Carina.  But that you are here now, yes I still have a few questions. 
So can you tell me what week of pregnancy I am? 
And what should I watch out for now?  How should I behave?  I'm sorry I'm so excited it's all so new to me. 
Andy it's all good.  I'm here to answer all your questions.  First thing I'm going to do is an ultrasound so we can find out what week you're ok? 
Ok thank you Carina.
Andy, could you lift your shirt up for me so your stomach is free? 
Andy pushed her shirt up so I could spread gel on her stomach. 
So let's see how little Bambino or Bambina is doing.  Silence followed.  You could see the fear in Andy's eyes.  Carina why can't I hear a heartbeat? 
While tears welled up in Andy's eyes, you suddenly heard it.  A heartbeat .
Look Andy here is your baby's heart. 
It's powerful and strong.  Oh my god is that my baby? 
And Andy couldn't hold back her tears anymore. 
I'm sorry Carina I could cry all day I'm so emotional. 
It's normal, it's the hormones.  Let it out. 
So Andy, as I see it and it looks like you are in the 8th week.  What already in the 8th week? 
How could I not notice? 
Sometimes it is normal not to notice something, for example when you are under a lot of stress. 
But your baby is healthy . 
You know running into a burning house is currently forbidden for you.  I know .  I know. 
Maya already told me I'll do office work or ride in the ambulance with Ben until the end of the pregnancy.  Speaking of Maya, have you texted her yet? 
Yes, I wrote to her and told her that you were going to be released tonight and if she would be interested in going for coffee with me. 
And what did she say? 
She said she never says no to a good cup of coffee. 
This is Maya as I know her.  So you guys have a coffee date now?  I dont know. 
After I wrote to her that I know a good coffee shop, I didn't get an answer. 
Maybe I shouldn't have written to her after all. 
Maybe she thinks I'm crazy. 
And the worst part is I accidentally named her Bella. 
Oh my god Carina please breathe. 
Take a deep breath and exhale.
Firstly you are not crazy and secondly it is just a coffee. 
And thirdly, give Maya some time, she's not the coffee date type so I'm glad she answered you and agreed to go for coffee with you.  So relax Carina. 
Before we could speak any further, we heard a knock on the door. 
Come in.


When I entered Andy's room I saw her sitting on Andy's bed.  Hey Andy I'm here to pick you up. 
Are you ready to go home ? Andy nodded. 
Hey Carina, it's nice to see you again. 
And gave her a smile. 
It's nice to see you again too, Maya. 
Wow that smile makes me weak. 
While Andy was packing her things, I spoke to Carina. 
I'm sorry I haven't replied to you, but just as I was about to read your message, my phone went dead. 
So what was your answer? 
That I know a good Italian cafe that has the best coffee.  And that you should let me know when you have time. 
I didn't mention that I called her Bella. 
That sounds wonderful.  How about tomorrow afternoon?  This is perfect as I have a day off tomorrow it would fit perfectly.  Good. 
I work until 3 p.m. after that I'm free too. 
So just send me the address and the time and I will be there. 
Andy are you ready? 
Yes I have everything together we can go. 
Before we left Andy thanked Carina and hugged her. 
The only thing I could think about was...
How much I would like to hug her. 
Maya what's wrong with you?  Where are these thoughts coming from? 
This woman is doing something to me that I've never felt before. 
Goodbye Carina. 
I gave her a smile and we left the hospital.

During the car ride home it was quiet until Andy suddenly spoke.
Maya what was that? 
What do you mean? 
Well you and the hot doctor? 
Um, I don't know what you're talking about. 
Maya you know exactly what I'm talking about. 
I've been watching you and I've never seen such darkness in your eyes. 
Andy I don't know I suddenly got a message from her I don't even know where she got my number from. 
And Andy couldn't help but laugh. 
You?  You were that? 
You gave her my number  Seriously? 
Andy nodded his head. 
Are you mad?  No, I'm not angry. 
Thanks Andy.
What's on your mind Maya? 
I don't know Andy but she's different. 
She does something to my body that I've never felt before.  Just as she was in your room, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. 
When I look at her it beats 1000 times faster than usual and as an Olympic champion that's very fast. 
When you hugged her goodbye I was jealous that I couldn't hug her. 
So tell me Andy what's wrong with me? 
Am i crazy  Is that normal? 
Oh my god Andy I can't breathe.  Maya pull over. 
Maya look at me .
Breathe Maya breathe. 
Eyes ahead look me in the eyes .  Breathe with me.
Deep in and out.  Good. 
After Maya calmed down I spoke to her again. 
Look Maya , Carina is nice, friendly, personable and beautiful. 
And it's just a coffee ok? 
Go have coffee with her and see what happens. 
Ok ok you're right Andy you're right. 
You know I'm not the coffee date person but I would do it for her. 
She's special in a way. 
After our short break we drove home. 

But all I could think about while driving was...  What am I going to wear to the coffee date tomorrow?

After I let Andy out at home I went home.  When I got into my apartment I immediately looked for the cable for my phone and plugged it in to charge.  In the meantime I made myself something to eat.  After eating and cleaning up, I picked up my phone and opened the message from Carina.  And saw that a second message came from her

Message from **Hot italian goddess**

Hey Maya... I know a good café where you can get the best Italian coffee. 
Let me know when you have time and we'll meet there for a coffee. 
Have a nice day and take care Bella. 

What does Bella mean was my thought going through my head.
The next message said:

Message from **Hot italian goddess**

Hello Bella. 
Here is the address of the cafe. 
The café is called Cortino.  621 Union St.
I'll meet you there at 3:30 tomorrow. 
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. 
Have a good evening and sleep well Bella. 

She wrote the word Bella again what does it mean.  Was my thought.  I opened the message and replied to her back.

Message to**Hot italian goddess**

Hey Carina.
I am also looking forward to meeting you tomorrow and will be there on time. 
What I've been wondering all along is what does Bella mean?
(Message send)

Message to **The Blonde Firefighter **

Bella means beauty in Italian.
(Message send)

Message to**Hot italian goddess**

Wow,  ok you think i'm beautiful?
(Message send)

Message to **The Blonde Firefighter **

Maya I don't think you're beautiful.
I know you're beautiful. 
Sleep well see you tomorrow.
Bacio, Carina
(Message send)

Message to**Hot italian goddess**

Oh thank you .  You are also beautiful. 
See you tomorrow I can't wait.
(Message send)

What does Bacio mean now. 
This woman is driving me insane. 
I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. 
The last thing I remembered was Carina's smile and her beautiful eyes.

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