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How are you feeling, Bambina ? 
Except for my headache and the pain in my ribs, I would say completely normal. 
And then there was a knock at the door. 
Come in. 
Well you two lovebirds, how are you feeling Maya?  Pretty good I think, Amelia thanks. 
Ok Maya I'm going to do some tests now and see if anything has changed neurologically ok? 
OK, let's go. 
So what's your name? 
Seriously Amelia?  You ask me my name? 
Answer Maya. 
Ok ok .
My name is Maya Bishop. 
Where are you? 
I'm in the hospital . 
Do you know what happened? 
Well I was on a wonderful date had one of the best evenings in a long time then some idiot drove me into my car and now I'm lying here. 
Any more questions? 
I still have one? 
Then get started? 
What are you seeing here? 
Behind Amelia stood Carina. 
Maya what do you see here and held out a pen to me.  Really? 
Maya please answer the last question so I can get your discharge papers ready. 
Good Good. 
So I see a beautiful brown haired Italian woman. 
Any questions? 
Oh god really Maya and Amelia started laughing. 
Well I'll do another CT scan in 2 hours and if it looks the same as yesterday I'll get your discharge papers ready and you can go home but...
But what, Amelia? 
You are banned from working for 2 weeks. 
What really 2 weeks? 
How am I supposed to get these 2 weeks behind me.  Maya look at me . And I looked at Carina.
Breathe Maya breathe. 
Look at me.
I will speak to Bailey and take 2 weeks off . 
I have so much overtime and now it's time to use it.  Carina you don't have to do that. 
I know I don't have to do it but I want to do it. 
So we'll have the next 2 weeks to ourselves ok. 
If that's the case, then I'll accept a 3-week ban on working. 
Maya what's wrong with you? 
What do you mean Andy? 
Well Maya for 3 years you never voluntarily took vacations and even always came to work sick and now you want to voluntarily extend your days. 
What happened to you?
I would say Carina happened. 
And kissed Carina on the cheek.

After 2 hours Amelia came and picked me up for my final CT. 
Ok Maya everything looks fine here are your papers.  You can go home.
If you feel any changes or if your headache gets worse, please come back to the hospital right away, do you understand me? 
Maya I'm serious. 
I get it Dr. Shepard. 
Can i go now? 
Goodbye Maya. 
Thanks for everything Amelia.
And Carina and I left the hospital.

So Maya i will take you home now and then you will rest ok? 
Come on Carina I'm not deathly ill. 
Maya I'm serious you need to rest. 
OK, I promise you.  But only .... 
But only what Maya? 
I will only do it if you keep me company. 
Ok I think that can be set up. 
And while you rest I'll cook us something delicious.  What do you think about? 
Oh my god are you cooking for me? 
Oh my god I think I'm the happiest woman in the world right now. 
What just because of my cooking skills? 
I put a hand on Carina's thighs, turned to her and said: I was just joking, Carina.  I'm only happy because you're with me. 
Not because of your cooking skills or anything else ok. 
OK.  And she put her hand on mine. 
When we got to my apartment I took my key and opened the door for us. 
Come in here and make yourself at home. 
Wow Maya, you have a very stylish apartment, I didn't expect that. 
Why not? 
Well, because you're more of a strict and structured person. 
Well, Carina, now you get to know a new, different side of me. 
Would you like something to drink Carina? 
You sit on the couch put your feet up and I'll bring us something to drink ok? 
What do you want to drink? 
Anyway I drink everything. 
The kitchen Carina is over there. 
Carina came back with 2 glasses and orange juice. 
Is that okay for the lady? 
Absolutely . 
Let's watch a movie Carina. 
What  do you want to watch? 
We can watch everything except horror movies. 
Oh Dr. DeLuca are you a little scared of scary movies?  I'm here to protect you. 
I just don't like her. 
But if you really want to see one then go for it. 
This isn't just about me so I'll adjust. 
Well then, let's put on some movie. 
After we had just turned on a movie, Carina took the blanket and put it over us. 
And laid her head on my shoulder. 
Are you okay Maya? 
Sure I'm fine why shouldn't I be fine? 
Are you sitting comfortably? 
I looked at Carina and said: I don't want to be anywhere else than where I am right now. 
And kissed the tip of my nose. 
And we continued to watch the film. 
We held hands throughout the film. 
Neither of us wanted to let go of the other's hand. 
I'm exactly where I want to be...
By her side.


When I woke up I felt alone. 
I looked left and right. 
But there was no Carina to be seen. 
I got up and looked where Carina is. 
Does it smell like food in here? 
And then there she was in my kitchen. 
I leaned against the door frame and watched her for a while. 
I can feel you looking at me Bambina. 
And tell me is that a bad thing? 
Don't be silly and come here and finally kiss me. 
I walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. 
How was your nap Bella? 
Ohhh it was great I haven't slept that well in a long time. 
Carina, it smells so good in here, what are you making for dinner? 
Just a simple Italian recipe. 
And what do I get for dessert? 
Ohhhh if you're really nice I'll come up with something ok? 
She kissed my nose and said: I promise. 
So now please take the dishes and set the table.
I took the dishes turned around and says: Ok Baby.  What did you say? 
Ummm I said ok. 
Did I really just call her Baby? 
Anyway god what's the matter with you Maya. 
But I meant it. 
I just don't want to scare her and take it slow. 
Did you set the table Bambina?
Yes, I sure did, my beauty.
Then let's eat.

After we ate together I wanted to clear the table and got up.  What are you doing there, Bambina?
I'm clearing the table. 
You cooked and I'll clean up. 
That's how you do it. Noo. 
I have cooked and I will clean up you are sick.
Carina I'm not sick ok. 
I had a little accident and that's it.
Maya you didn't just have a little accident ok. 
You could have died. 
Maya damn you could have died. 
I saw tears rising in Carina's eyes. 
Look at me Carina, but she looked away. 
I grabbed her chin with my hand and turned it towards me.  Carina please look at me. 
Hey i'm fine ok  I'm here. 
And tears ran down her cheeks. 
Yes Maya you are right here. 
Nothing happened to you this time and what about next time.
Carina look at me and take a deep breath. 
Look at me, I'm fine.
I took her hand and brought it to my cheek so she could feel that I'm standing here and alive. 
But she didn't stop crying. 
I took her hand and placed it on my heart. 
Carina do you notice this heart beating, do you feel how it beats? 
It beats for you .
Maya I can't do this. 
You can't do what, Carina? 
She looked at me, took a deep breath and put her other hand on mine which was on my heart. 
I can't do this Maya.  I can't lose you.
I can feel this heart beating but what if one day I can't feel it anymore and it just stops beating? 
I know I haven't known you that long but it feels like I've known you my whole life. 
I have feelings that I can't even explain to you.  Feelings that you normally shouldn't have for a person after such a short time. 
When Andy stood at my door and told me you had an accident I didn't know what to do. 
I wanted to die Maya. 
Because I didn't know how you were doing and if you were even still alive. 
I don't want to imagine a day without you. 
I... I...
Carina it's ok. 
It's ok to have such feelings. 
'Cause I feel the same for you.
Come here. 
And I took her in my arms put my head on her shoulder and I could feel the scent of her hair in my nose.
Her hair smelled like vanilla.
Carina it's getting late please stay with me. 
And she just nodded. 
She was too weak to speak from crying.
I took her by the hand and led her into my bedroom and sat her on my bed. 
I went to my closet and took out some comfortable clothes for her to sleep in. 
Please raise your arms so that i can take off your sweater.
I undid her bra but kept looking into her eyes. 
Then I pulled her t-shirt over it. 
Can you stand up for me Carina? 
She stood up and I unzipped her pants and pulled them down. 
She got out of her pants and I pulled a pair of shorts over her. 
I took her by the hand and led her to my bed. 
Lay down. 
She lay down and I took the blanket and covered her with it. 
Maya where are you going? 
I'm just going to get us some water. 
When I came back I quickly changed my clothes and went to bed with Carina. 
I put my arm out and said to her come here Baby  and she lay in my arms. 
And now try to sleep ok. 
And when you wake up tomorrow I'll be exactly where I am now. 
I wont leave you. 
I gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, "Good night Baby, sleep tight"
Good night, Bambina. 
I stroked her head a little more and played with her hair until I noticed that Carina fell asleep. 
I looked at her, gave her another light kiss on her forehead... and closed my eyes. 
The only thought that went through my head was... 

I think I fell in love with her...

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