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Big, big plans for my lovelies... Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahah...

 I did not mean for that to sound sexual if it did...


Kicking sand off of my feet ended up being too difficult and I had to switch to wiping them off in the water, the blood covering my leg really didn't help my situation. I cursed under my breath washing the blood off my calf, the grains of sand scratching my skin as the water washed them off. I looked back up to the two bodies that laid in disarray, one of them face down in the sand and the other folded through the car window. "Fuck me..." I groaned, wringing my hands before just sitting in the water and dunking my head under before surfacing and combing my hair back, "everything okay?" I paused, opening my eyes as I stood quickly. There was a man just standing on the shore, right at the water's edge. I could see the still lifeless bodies behind him, "who are you?"

"Shane, and you?" I looked him up and down, "what do you want?" He held his hands up; a defensive gesture. "Nothing, or I guess an answer," my brows furrowed, "an answer to what exactly?" I was waist deep, my shirt soaked and my hair sticking to my neck, "I wanna know, just why you're out here hunting alone," I clenched my jaw, "does it matter?"

He shrugged, "I guess not, just curious how a woman like you could dine alone on such a night," I raised a brow and tilted my head, jaw upwards, "a woman like me," he nodded and I had an intense urge to roll my eyes, for all I knew this guy was a serial killer, literally, he could have simply assumed I was one too, I would be none the wiser, "don't bother, might as well leave while you still can." He smirked at that and proceeded to take a step closer, his shoes barely a step closer to being in the water, "oh? And if I don't, what will you do?" I smiled snidely, "wouldn't be the first time I bit someone's tongue off, wanna push your luck?"

I became annoyed when he laughed, his head shook slightly with the action and I noticed his hair was wet. "What if I do?" I made a face of disbelief, furrowing my brows, sighing deeply before walking to the shore at an angle. The water moved around me as I came up to the almost dried sands and grabbed my shoes, "are you leaving?" I huffed out my answer, "if you won't I will." When he spoke next I could practically hear the smirk in his voice, "are you sure you want to do that?" I tried to ignore him as I walked past the bodies and their car that was burning with hot bright flames. He had started following me, "what do you want?!" I whirled on him after coming to a tight abrupt spot, he was right in front of me but instead of stumbling back in shock I growled at him, "vampires don't last long by themselves." My facial expressions dimmed as I stared up at him, "I don't know what you're talking about." He was either a hunter or a stalker, a human or a vampire like me. I couldn't tell, because an unfortunate downside of being a vampire is that everyone's heart beats; everyones.

"Yes you do, so, tell me, why are you out here, hunting, all alone? Where's your coven or is it just you and your maker?" I scoffed, "back up, now." He did the opposite, taking a step even closer coming inches from my face, "n-o..." My face morphed and I lashed out.

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