Introduction: This Is Where We Stand

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The crowd was growing larger by the second. The Night Class was walking through and of course, every girl just had to come over and admire them. I found them beautiful too, but I wasn't one to obsess over such a small thing. They were people too. Just high-class and more composed.

The Disciplinary Committee was struggling to hold everybody back, being only two people that is, Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu. Yuki was getting trampled by the screaming girls and Zero merely stood and frightened people naturally. I remembered being Zero's best friend as a kid. His brother, Ichiru, as well. Up until four years ago, we were inseparable, the three of us. Ichiru and Zero were incredibly close-knit of course, since they were twins.

I leaned my back against a large tree and laughed as I watched the screaming adolescent girls; they were so easily influenced. Just because someone looked beautiful, didn't mean they actually were beautiful.

The truth is, the Night Class students were actually what one would call Vampires. I already knew this, having grown up with Zero. His family were Vampire Hunters just like mine. The only ones here who knew were Headmaster Cross, Yuki, Zero and I. Since Yuki and Zero only knew they were Vampires, they were appointed on the Disciplinary Committee to make sure the Day Class students would never find out the Night Class was full of Vampires. I never told anyone I knew though, so I just pretended not to care. Well, I didn't really. Therefore pretending wasn't the right word.

I watched carefully as the Vampires gracefully walked past me. I merely shrugged and then closed my eyes. I was only here because there was nowhere else to be after class. I did have friends but I preferred to mostly keep to myself.

Yuki had finally made everyone go back to their dorms and Zero remained by the large cherry tree across from me. It was strange how I always remained here after everyone left but Yuki nor Zero ever told me to leave. Zero probably told Yuki about my knowing about Vampires. I actually hadn't spoken to Zero in years and life in general really was kind of boring without him and Ichiru around.

I noticed Yuki started talking to Zero about something and his gaze was as serious as it always was. He said something to Yuki and she skipped off merrily in her usual dance. Zero's eyes were intense as he watched me. If he wanted me to leave, he could just say it. I decided I should go and try to talk to him. I walked over beside him and leaned against the tree, casually looking up to the sky. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't filled with anxiety being so near him again.

"There was a lot of people here today." I started with.

"I guess." He replied. Well that wasn't much to go on.

"Does Yuki know about me? That I know about Vampires." Zero lowered his head and sighed deeply. His silver hair swayed as the wind blew past, and my own raven hair blew in front of my face. I pushed it away and tucked it behind my ears.

"Yes, Serena. I told her." He said after a while.

"What about our past?" I could tell Zero was getting annoyed at every word I said, his face reddening even more with each word I spoke. Quite frankly, this wasn't going as well as I had hoped.

"Why are you even talking to me, Serena? It's been four years." His voice was much louder now.

"Four years is exactly why I am talking to you. I just wanted to say hi, Zero."

"Well why didn't you just say it?"

"I didn't know what you would be like now." Now it was my turn for my voice to go quiet.

"What do you mean? You know everything about me."

"That's what you think. In actuality, you're so different now. But I mean, it's not like I would know."

"People change. It happens."

Zero started moving away from the tree and down the road. I ran after him in attempt to continue the conversation. I think I finally started to get through to him, well, hopefully. But Zero was so cold and private about everything, not like how he used to be. I caught up with him and he looked genuinely annoyed at my following him.

"What made you change, Zero?" I asked bluntly, he stopped suddenly and I did the same behind him.

"Why are you following me, Serena?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well you sure didn't change at all."

"Damn right I didn't. But that's not the point, Zero, why aren't you answering my question?"

"Because it doesn't even matter, Serena. Just go back to your dorm."

"No. Not until you answer my questions. I'm just as impulsive as I was four years ago."

"Nothing changed me. I changed everything."

"I know you're a Vampire." I told him.

Did you seriously think I wouldn't notice these things, you idiot?

His lavender eyes widened in horror and he quickly turned away from me, probably wondering how I knew and how he could have prevented it. I saw him feeding on Yuki a couple nights ago. Zero had been trying to prevent his transformation for years and it finally got the better of him I guess.

"If you know I'm a Vampire, then why are you asking me these questions?"

"Because I thought that we could still tell each other anything."

"That time has passed. Goodbye Serena."

Zero walked away down the road and I remained, rooted in my spot. I could not understand how he simply didn't even care anymore. I wanted to run after him, but that would probably be pushing the limit. Although I wasn't going to give up, of course. I wanted to be friends with Zero again and I was determined to reach my goal.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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