Part Thirteen: The Truth That Is Me

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We had returned back to the academy grounds upon the burning in the book. The sad thing was that the page that was burned entirely had the information of Yuki's past from ten years ago. And I hadn't found the information I needed. I merely found the picture of the woman who killed my father. But I wasn't going to give up. I still had hope in finding her. If only I could return to the archives again.

Yuki was pretty upset about what happened so she had retired to her bedroom for the night and Zero and I sat in the common room on the couches. It was pretty silent, we only exchanged small talk so I knew something was up.

"Zero? Is something wrong? You haven't been very talkative since we came back."

"I'm never talkative. You should know that, Serrie."

"Oh right. But you know, I found the book on my past."

My words seemed to spark some interest in Zero's eyes. I hated to admit it, but sometimes it felt like Zero was still very attached to Yuki and it was in the way of us. But I didn't want to start feeling jealous, because I already had him and it was fine if they were friends anyways. I shouldn't have to be the controlling girlfriend.

"Did you find anything?"

"I was only able to look at her picture and then-"

I broke off when I started remembering the memories it triggered. Blood. Hell. Pain. That's what the Vampire gave me. And a life without a father to protect me from boys and walk me down the aisle at my wedding. My voice was breaking under loud sobs and Zero came to comfort me. It was strange to think that before Zero came back into my life, I would never be seen crying like this. It was a strange miracle, but I loved Zero with all my heart and I knew he would always be there.

"You have no need to cry, Serrie. She can't hurt you because I won't let her."

"That's a calming thought, I guess."

"Serrie, I also found something today."


"Have you ever heard of the Curse of the Twins?"

"Yes, I have. What about it?"

"Ichiru and I are a part of that."

"I've heard rumors of that, Zero."

Headmaster was standing in the doorway, completely filled in on the conversation. It seemed like he was standing there for awhile.

"The Association President told me about it the other night."

"Twins are never born to Vampire Hunter families. It's a curse. But I have no idea."

"There could be a number of reasons for that."

"Have any of you seen Yuki? I wonder how she's doing."

"She seems to have suffered quite a shock."

"I see. I guess that's to be expected."

"I can go talk to her, Headmaster. She might need someone to rant to."

"That's very generous of you, Serena."

I left the room and started walking down the hall to find Yuki's room. As I was making my way to her door, a hand caught me.

"Zero, what's wrong?"

"I'm really sorry about what happened, Serrie. But I think that I should go talk to Yuki."

"Sure, a best friend might be better support."

"Best friend?"

"Well sure, you and Yuki are so close-knit. How can you not be best friends?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

Zero went through the door and as it closed behind him, I pressed my ear against it to listen. But I couldn't hear anything. And it really annoyed me that Zero and Yuki were so close in the sense that I was sometimes invisible to them.

"Zero, when you said you loved me, were you actually speaking the truth? Or was it all just a brief sweet dream?"

I whispered under my breath and I felt myself fall to the ground and stream out quiet tears. I hated myself when I started acting like a useless princess. I was far above that. I was strong and independent. But I didn't seem like it now.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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