Part Twenty Two: The Beginning of The Truth

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The following morning, I was still recovering from a hell of a night. Yuki couldn't sleep so she came banging on my door for comfort from the dreams. They were getting more and more intense. She told me this time, she had seen a woman covered in blood speaking to her. I would be awake all night of that ever happened to me, so I sort of sympathized with her.

Anyways, the Night Class was walking with us everywhere again and every attempt to talk to Hanabusa resulted in failure. And I still hadn't been able to tell Zero about how I knew who my father's killer was. I had told Yuki though, last night. She took some interest, but was more interested in her own problems.

And the rest of the day kind of dragged on. Later in the evening, I decided to hang around the Moon Dormitory. Don't ask me why, I just had a feeling for that.

I was sitting in a tree, contently watching the clouds when I saw two people arriving at the dorm. It was Takuma and Senri. I did my best to remain silent so they didn't notice me. And it was successful. However, Senri seemed a little more outgoing than usual.

I returned to my lazy activities for awhile longer. I noticed it was getting darker so my safety would be at risk if I stayed here. I thought of what Zero would think, and I laughed out loud to myself. It was a fact of life that I definitely still liked him. And I knew he still liked me, or rather, loved me but it wasn't the time for that now.

Walking back to the dorm, I watched the sky darkening and it seemed like it would snow soon.

I returned to the dorm to find Zero relieved from a heart attack of not knowing where I was.

"Why are you always so worried?"

"Because knowing you, you're gonna get in some sort of trouble."

"Well... I did go to the Moon Dorm."

"Serrie! Why?"

"It's fine. I was alone, and I made sure to say hidden." I laughed. His worrying was starting to seem comedic.

"I'm gonna just try to ignore that right now. Yuki's in her room and things aren't looking too good."

"How so?" I asked. Although I actually kind of already knew the answer.

"Her hallucinations. When I was last in there, she strangled me."

"Well that doesn't sound very fun. I should go talk to her, maybe."

"I'll go with you."

When I swung open the door, I was not expecting Kaname. He held an unconscious Yuki in his arms and I wasn't sure whether to be calm or freak out.

"What do you intend to do with her?"

He didn't answer Zero. He just carried her and left through the window. I was right about the weather though. It was snowing pretty heavily. I went to the window and peered outside, but they were already gone.

"What the hell just happened?" Zero asked, almost too calmly.

"Kaname just stole Yuki." I stated.

"Can we have one day without this guy doing something criminal-like?"

"It seems not."

"We gotta do something though."

And then we both ran out of the room and down the hall. We passed the Headmaster, and even Ichiru. We made it to the roof, where I spotted Kaname biting Yuki. And that was how I knew this was not ending here.

"I know that smell... It's Yuki's blood... And now I sense two Vampires so that must mean you turned her!"

"No Zero! Stop!" Yuki and I both yelled in unison. I just didn't want this to end in blood, whatever Yuki's reason was, I wasn't sure.

"This man... He's my older brother."

Well you can slap me now, because that was something I didn't expect her to say. Even Zero felt the same way, I was sure. To think that Yuki was in love with her older brother was quite surprising. Not to mention, a little out of the norm.

"You're siblings..."

"If I had been born her true brother, I'd have been much happier." Kaname said. He even seemed sad as well.

I didn't know what to really say or what to do. I was freezing in the snowy winds in my uniform and I wasn't even wearing my jacket either. But the intensity in the air was able to keep me warm and my blood boiling.

I'll also show you a sweet dream... Next night.

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