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It's been a week since the incident with Sofia. Apparently one of the maids went to her room to collect her laundry when they found her collapsed on the floor.

She was rushed to hospital where the doctors examined her throughly, and discovered she has type one diabetes.

Apparently she's had it for a few weeks but nobody was aware of it, then suddenly her body gave up from a lack of insulin and she collapsed.

Over the past few days, she's had a difficult time accepting it.

The fact that now she has to constantly monitor what she eats, be able to manage her blood sugar, use insulin injections, and have regular health check-ups.

It's a huge change and something she's going to have to adapt to, as will the rest of us. Of course Renzo has the best doctors in the city looking after her and Sebastian has also payed numerous visits here since she came home the other day.

For Sofia, she feels as though her world has completely ended, especially only being nineteen. It must be tough. I'm not sure what I'd do if I received that sort of news.

She's been really down about it and I just don't know how to comfort her. I don't want to smother her too much but I also don't want to just leave her either.

Maybe I'll go and speak to her tomorrow. We could have a movie day together or something. I know she likes movies.

Cora gives me a small smile as I pass her by in the hallway, on the way to my bedroom. Renzo and I haven't actually been intimate together since the day things happened with Sofia.

Not that it bothers me because I know he has a lot going on right now. Actually, we haven't really spent that much time together at all. He's been so busy with planning doctors appointments for Sofia and continuing with trying to track down Skender.

So much is happening and I've made sure to give Renzo his space. Sure we've still been sleeping in the same bed at night but by the time he even comes to bed, I'm already asleep.

I miss him though. I miss the moments we have together and I miss speaking to him. But I also understand just how important his siblings are to him and Sofia's health comes first.

Simon stands right by the door as I enter the bedroom and I bend down to stroke him. As I look up however, I don't expect to see Renzo sat on the end of my bed with his eyes on me.

I close the door behind me and feel my body tense at the sight of him. My heart automatically begins to beat faster in my chest and I lean back against the door for some extra support.

"Come here," he beckons me as he remains seated on my bed.

He doesn't have to tell me twice before I'm making my way over to him. He looks so handsome, dressed in a dark blue dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows as usual. A pair of black slacks and some black shiny shoes complete his attire.

"I missed you." He says as I stand in front of him, smiling as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.

My skin instantly warms at his touch, my arms looping around his neck as I stand between his thighs. "I missed you too." I tell him truthfully.

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