15. Big girls don't cry...

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Dylan laid on her bed, scrolling through TikTok as tears ran down her face. It had been a few days since the interview and people have been messaging her and editing her on titkok. Not in a nice way. 

Dylan turned her phone of and rolled over, facing the wall as she sobbed. Feeling a clump in her throat as she breathed heavily.

Dylan never cries. Even if she wanted to. She never cried. she was always told "suck it up" or "big girls dont cry". And though she had been going on a streak of not crying, she couldn't hold it in. When it came out, it was like a waterfall. A dangerous, whitewater, waterfall.

it felt endless.

it was around 3;45 am when Dylan was rudely awaken by a tap not the window. She sat up with a grown and her eyes immidtaly went to Javons who looked through her window

"what the fuck" she mutter, walking to the window and opening it

"you wanna go to I-hop?" javon furrowed his eyebrows noticing her puffy eyes "are you okay?"

"yeah just tired I guess" she lied, turning around to grab her zip up hoodie.

javon intertwined their hands as Dylan climbed out the window onto the emergency  stair case exit.

they both had their phones out with the light on until they got to ground. Javon loosely hung his arm around Dylan shoulders,

he ended up dropping his arm and grabbing onto her hand when they ran across the road laughing, earning a bunch of cars to honk at them.

the two entered the I hop and sat down on a booth , sitting down next to each other.

Dylan didnt really want to tell javon about the hate she had been getting ever sense they told everyone they were dating. However it was kinda hard when her phone was blowing up because of it. 

as the two walked out of the I hop with the leftovers in there hands, Dylan opened the lid and put a globe of whipped cream onto his face.

"shit sorry I didnt see you there" Dylan laughed as Javon whipped the whipped cream off of him and threw it at Dylan who just ducked and ran.

"how are you so fast!" javon yelled as he ran after her

"I live in LA! what do you expect?" Dylan laughed, looking back at him. Dylan contacted running, glancing back at him every few seconds when suddenly she ran into someone, looking uo to see it was a cop

"fuck.." she muttered. Javon didnt see to notice because he ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. However, his face dropped nothing the cop glaring down at them

"what are you two kids doing out here at 4 am?" the man crossed his arms

"sorry of-"

"dose your parents know your out here?" the  cop cut javon off

javon and Dylan looked at each other, their lips pressed in a straight line

"thats what I thought, get in the car"

Javons hands interlock with Dylan, hesitantly getting into the back seat

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