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The next morning Echo went to work and as she got the bakery her boss stopped her. "Your fired" the boss told her.

"What?! When?why?" Echo asked.

"Because you showed up late again and this was your 3rd chance Echo I'm sorry" their boss told her.

"It's fine" she sighed as she left the bakery and she put her skateboard down and she went to the museum when she saw Steven talking to a street performer.

Echo went up to Steven. "Steven aren't you supposed to be at work?" She asked him.

"Yeah but I got fired" he said as he got up and grabbed the keys for the storage locker out of his pocket.

"Hey where do ya' think your goin'?" Echo asked Steven as he began to walk away.

"To find out what this is for" he replied with and he showed Echo the key.

"Hey I know that place follow me" Echo said as she began skating in front of Steven leading him to the storage lockers.

They both entered the building where the storage lockers are kept. "Hi we're looking for a storage locker" Echo told the man behind the counter.

"I'm looking for a storage locker. It's under 'Steven Grant' if it's not under Steven Grant then it might be under 'Marc' I don't have a surname just Marc" Steven told the guy.

"Would you have a look for us please" Echo told the man.

"Of course I know you #43 right?" The man said as he pointed to Steven, "I never forget a face" and the he lead them to the storage locker number 43.

He used the key to unlock the lock and then he opened the door and the guy nodded and walked away.

Steven opened the door and they both went in and the lights came on. It was filled with weapons, some boxes, a duffel bag and a bed with no blanket.

Steven walked up to the duffel bag and walked up to it. He opened it and had a look through it. "Marc Spector" he read the passport.

"No way" he sighed as he picked up the scarab, "it's real it's totally real"

Echo went over to Steven to have a look at what he was on about. "So that's where it went. He took it!" Echo said and she went to take the scarab.

"Steven I need you to listen very carefully" Marc said to Steven and Steven got up stopping Echo from grabbing the scarab.

"There he is. Here he comes" he said as he looked at the reflection who was walking up to as far as he could.

"Hello man in the mirror." He waved to his reflection, "I was wondering if you'd pop up again"

"I know your scared" Marc told him

"A bit yeah" Steven replied

"Steven can I have the scarab please?" Echo asked Steven.

"I know your scared you weren't supposed to see any of this and don't give them then scarab!" Marc told Steven.

"No? Well bit late for that innit?" Steven told Marc, "so what am I, like meant to be some sort of mad secret agent or something?"

"More like a mad mercenary that's a pain in my ass" Echo mumbled to herself quietly

"Yeah it's a little more complicated than that" Marc told Steven.

"More complicated? What am I possessed?!" Steven asked making Echo laugh a little, "are you like-like a demon? Or-"

"You and Echo are in danger I can save us. Just like I did last night" Marc interrupted, "but I can't if you keep interfering in what I have left to do."

"So this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna go lay down on that cot back there and your gonna take a nice nap" Marc told Steven.

"Steven looked at the bed and then back at Marc. "Are you joking?" He asked, "I'm not going to go to sleep again. You hear me? Look I don't care how bloody handsome you are!"

"Well then if Marc handsome then I'm an angel" Echo laughed and Steven looked at them and then looked back at Marc.

"Just tell me what it is you are. What are you?" Steven yelled.

"You sure you want to know?" Marc asked

"Yes bloody....yes!" Steven yelled. Echo could feel his anger and confusion so she tried to distract themself so she won't feel Steven's emotions.

"I serve Khonsu. I'm his avatar. Which mean you are too. Sort of. We protect the vulnerable and deliver Khonsu's justice to those who hurt them" Marc explained

"Khonsu?" Steven asked then Echo looked at Steven when she heard his name. She heard of him and myths that he had a child with a human. She didn't believe it obviously.

"Yeah" was Marc replied with

"The Egyptian god off the moon?" Steven said in a confused tone and Marc nodded, "oh my god that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard"

Steven slowly walked over to cot put his hand on his head. "I eat one piece of steak and bam I go bonkers" Steven said in a shocked tone.

Echo laughed at Steven's comment and Steven sat down on the cot "oh god. I'm having a panic attack" he said and his breathing got heavier.

"Shit" Echo whispered and she went over to Steven and she helped him calm down a bit.

"I need to go to hospital" he said

"What no...no Steven you can't go to a hospital" Echo told Steven

"Now give me the body. Let me this, and you'll never hear from me again" Marc said from the reflection of the gun.

"You want my body? Right yeah. Marc how about this for a deal? I'm gonna take this bag of illegal shit yeah" Steven said and he put the gun back into the bag and closed it and he quickly got up.

"And I'm gonna go straight to the authorities and there going to put me away so I don't hurt anyone else!" Steven yelled and he picked up the bag and went to leave them echo stopped him.

"You can't leave!" She told him.

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