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"Marc Spector?" The officer read and walked closer to Steven.

"That's not mine" Steven said

"Funny this fella looks like you" the officer said holding the passport next to Steven's face.

"Fake passport and a thief" the female officer said and then they both 'tutted'

"I think you and you girlfriend best come with us" the female officer said as she got handcuffs and cuffed Echo and Steven and took them to the car.

Once they were in the car Steven stayed in the corner of the car. "Wow look or looking. Guess what we've got here Billy" the female officer said.

"Go on tell me" the male office said

"We've only got ourselves two full-blown, international fugitive"the female officer said.

"It's not.. it's a mistake. It's not me" Steven stuttered and Echo sighed.

"Steven shut it if we're gonna go to jail you have to shut up or you make things worse!" Echo snapped

"Marc Spector was part of a team of mercenaries that hit a dig store in Egypt" the female officer read, " and Echo Camilla Grey a thief and was a part of a mass murder" 

And then they pulled up at some houses in an alleyway. "I thought we were going to the police station" Steven said

"Now why would you think that?" The male officer asked.

"Umm because your officers and you both have badges. Why else dipshit?" Echo told the two at the front of the car.

"Sit tight yeah?" The female officer said as then they both left the car. Then a ball hit the car making Steven jump.

"Okay Steven now what your going to do it your going to let-" echo said

"Nope not happening." Steven interrupted

"Oh come on I hate the dude as much as you do I just need Marc's help with getting out of here" Echo told Steven.

Then Steven shut his eyes and then opened them again. "You don't need to fight me Steven. Surrender control" Marc told Steven.

"No. No I saw what you did to those people and you!" He yelled to Marc and Echo.

"It's not what you think" Marc said t Steven

"I'm- I am never giving you control again. Ever. Do you hear me?" Steven stuttered.

There was a beep on the radio. "I hear you loud and clearly Steven grant of the gift shop" Harrow spoke over the radio and then the door opened and Steven fell out the car making Echo laugh a little.

Echo scuffle up to where the door was open and she saw Harrow kneeling next to Steven.

"I'm sorry for the wait. We just needed a chance to better understand your situation. Do you have the keys?" Harrow explained calmly.

Then the woman handed him the keys. "Let's get you out of those cuffs l. There you go." Harrow said as he uncuffed Steven.

"Can I be uncuffed?" Echo asked and then Harrow went over to Echo and took the cuffs of them.

"Aren't they both terrific?" Harrow asked meaning the two that brought Steven and echo.

"Yeah they're lovely" "there a pain and disrespectful to personal space" Steven and Echo said overlapping each other.

"Aright. Well no wonder your scales don't balance. It must be very difficult have those voices inside one head" Harrow said to Steven and Echo got out of the car.

"Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Khonsu" Harrow listed, "I'm curious, do you think that Khonsu chose you as his avatar because your mind would be so easy to break or because it was already broken?"

"Well this is a lovely conversation but we should really leave now" Echo said and she grabbed Steven and went to leave and then Steven stopped and started it was Khonsu.

"Oh not this again. Steven ignore the dead bird let's go" echo said.

"Wait Echo you can see him? Do you see him right now? That's a privilege I no longer have" Harrow told them.

"Kill him!" Khonsu commanded.

"Well I would love to but I can't have another body on my record" Echo replied to Khonsu's comment.

"What's he saying? Is he telling you to kill me?" Harrow asked obviously knowing the answers to them. 

"Like I said man I would love to but I can't" echo sighed and Khonsu appeared right behind Harrow.

"Break his windpipe!" Khonsu said clearly ignoring the fact that Echo was speaking to him.

"Yeah" Steven replied to Harrow's questions.

"Now before you put on the cape I would love to take this opportunity to show you and your friend around" Harrow said to echo and Steven.

Then somethings went flying making Steven panic. "It's alright. That's all he can do without your help. Come and you Echo" and Harrow walked away followed by Steven and echo.

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