1:8. Orphans

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Days pass into weeks, weeks pass into months

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Days pass into weeks, weeks pass into months... telling how far we have come and how far we have to go.

Tomorrow it's Taehyung's birthday...I come to know he isn't fond of celebrating it...but I careless, I will make this birthday unforgettable. I already tell my whole plan to Jennie and Jimin as I didn't want to invite more people...just us...and his friends.

We distribute our task...I'm planning to spend whole day with Taehyung means distracting him, while Jimin, Jennie and others will do other things accordingly.

Currently I'm with Taehyung near bus station grabbing bus towards his little friend's...where he take me on our first date... orphanage...

We take sit beside each other in quite empty bus. I pull my ear phone out from tote bag and plug it into phone. I pass one bud to taehyung who took it showing me his cutest smile.

" Which song " I ask him who think for few seconds and suggest one of nineties song...he love old ones though.

Plugging respective buds in ears we listen first song At last...which kinda suits our love story.

At last my love has come along.

My lonely days are over and life is like a song.

It's true as I got my first love, my first crush. My lonely days, although I'm not lonely still I felt complete because of him and life is really like a song...a sweet song which I want to listen with him...cheesy but true, he's only one for me.

Soon we reached orphanage where kids where playing around. I spot the same girl who was clinging on Taehyung that day, she's sitting all alone not playing with other's.

We approach her and not soon enough she clung on Taehyung and cry. " Taetae oppa it's hurt " she mumble in almost inaudible voice, if I wasn't looking at her it must have gone unheard.

She's looking weak and fragile than she was. Her face was filled with dry and some fresh wet tears, her cheeks slightly sunken and pale.

What happen to her...

I was lost in examining her that I didn't notice taehyung pick her in arms as she was collapsed...she faint in his arms...

He run with her while I'm just looking at there fading figure. Should I follow them.

Yes...without other thought I run towards that direction which seems head nun office.

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