Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - Hope comes in red

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Plot: Mario merely went to get some paint, he didn't expect to find a lost inkling child...

(2 months later)

In the land of the mushroom kingdom, The castle of princess toadstool peach stood tall for all to see. Meanwhile on the inside, the princess and her butler Toadsworth were re-painting the walls.

Princess Peach: Hey Mario, how's your side of the wall going?

Meanwhile, Mario was stupidly just writing the word "Ass" on the wall. As he gave a thumbs up, Toadsworth checked their supplies.

Toadsworth: Hmm...Master Mario! We could use more orange paint! Could you go fetch some more?

Mario: Okie dokey!

Leaping off, Mario made his way to the basement. After a long time searching, he looked and finally found the orange paint can.

Prying it open, he jumped for joy when he heard a weird noise. Looking inside the paint can, he saw it...moving?

Mario: Ah, demon paint!

Kicking it over while grabbing a chair as a weapon, the noise quickly was replaced by a garble like crying sound. Mario dropped the chair and looked to find some weird looking baby.

Mario: Aw, what's wrong you little freak?

Mario picked up the weird looking baby. It had orange tentacles was wearing clothes that looked really old. He also checked the tag on her arm, which he read.

Mario: If this child is lost, please return to this address. (Reads) Inkopalis? Where the hell is (Slips) Thaaattt!?!?!

Slipping on a trail of paint, Mario fell down a nearby manhole cover with the inkling baby. While she cheered and giggled from the fall, Mario screamed. He had no idea what lied ahead.


Flying from the end of the Manhole cover, Mario thankfully managed to catch the baby girl before she hit the floor.

When he looked back up, he couldn't believe his eyes.

(Cue pictures of Inkopalis from the game, for som reason, none of the photos I find will upload here)

Mario: Holy Mushrooms! Hey kid, you live here?

She giggled in response.

Mario: Not one for words, are you?

He turned his attention to a nearby orange inkling.

Mario: Alright, gotta be cool.

The guy was minding his own business when Mario put The baby right in front of his face.

Mario: Is this your kid?!

Panicked, The guy shot Mario with a Splattershot.

Orange inkling: Stay away from me freak!

Running away, Mario covered the baby's eyes with one hand while flipping the guy off with the other.

He then proceeded to go and talk to the old man.

Mario: Hey old guy! You look wise, do you know who this kid-?

Confused old man: What!? Who are you?

Mario: It's a me, M-

Confused old man: Have you heard that Korean song with that guy and he's like a horse. Gangnam style?!

Mario: Look, I just wanna go home and find some parents who-

Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal SplezterWhere stories live. Discover now