Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - The Mario Showdown

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Plot: With Desti stealing the Splat-squads weapons and the anime ban in full effect, the group comes together to kill 2 birds with one stone...

In a house on the outskirts of Inkopalis, Desti laughed. Her feet rested on the table with the box of the Splataquad's stolen weapons.

Desti: Oh man, did you see that look on Meggy's face when we flew away? Waaaaah...they took my guns! What am I going to do?

Her teammates laughed with her. Strangely, they heard rumbling noises from above. Just as instant, Holes burst in the roof and Meggy came falling down. Following her were Tari, Luigi and Crystal suspended by ropes as Meggy landed.

Meggy: Give us our weapons back or else!

Unfortunately, being threatening was the last thing happening. Tari had somehow gotten herself tangled, Luigi was hanging by his ankle and Crystal was holding onto the rope for dear life.

Mario forgot the rope entirely, crashing to the floor face first.

Desti and her team stared befuddled, while everyone got themselves down, Meggy needing to help Crystal.

Mario: I can't feel my PINGUS.

A second later, Desti and her team broke into laughter, the former standing up.

Desti: You guys are such dorks!

Everyone drew their weapons, which was really just junk. Meggy had a plush hammer, Luigi had a broom, Tari had a duck plushie with a spiny helmet, Crystal had crayons and Mario had also forgotten his own.

Tari: W-we're serious Desti...stealing our guns was a low move...

Luigi: You're gonna pay for hurting our friend!

Crystal: Yeah! No one hurts Mommy's friends!

Desti: Well girls, looks like the kid is the bravest one amongst these idiots! What is your kid gonna do Meggy, cry until our ears burst?

Meggy looked even more pissed off...

Meggy: Leave her out of this, this is between you and me!

Desti: Is that so?

Desti drew a button from her back pocket and pressed it. In just a few seconds, 5 turrets dropped from the ceiling. Everyone his behind Meggy as she stood her ground.

Meggy: Fight me properly you coward!

Desti: Well I would, but it seems unfair to fight someone who doesn't have any weapons.

Meggy: Why you-!

Before having a chance to finish, all 5 were quickly shot out of the house. Mario's head even became detached for a moment.

Mario: Anymore injuries today and Mario's going to have a negative IQ.

Meggy: You're gonna regret this you Cheater!

Desti: Hey, cheating is a legitimate strategy.

Desti pressed another button. Wooden barriers and machine gun turrets rose as defence around the house, plus a small sign that said "go away".

Desti: See you at Splatfest!

Crystal: Mommy, what's going to happen now?

Mario: Don't worry Meggy! Mario will save the day!

Mario walked up to the barrier and knocked on it...

Mario: Scuse-a-me!

Only for an explosion to ring out as he screamed in pain. Clearly, they needed a new plan...

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