Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - Mario and the Bob Mansion

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Plot: Thanksgiving takes a turn for the weird when Bob invites the gang over to his new Mansion.

(November 17th - 2018)

The moment the gang entered the huge, house they were hit with a mixture of disturbance and confusion.

In front of them, A giant statue of Bob stood before them. It wasn't long before the Garo himself came to greet them.

Bob: Yo yo, watsup my homies. Thanks for coming over to my pad for the first ever celebration of Bob's giving.

Bowser: You mean thanksgiving?

Bob: No, I mean Bob's giving.

He gave them a tour around his house, showing off various statues and paintings of him.

Bob: Anyway, as you can tell, this mansion of mine is very sexy. Filled with the most Mozart paintings and art.

Tari: Ooh....impressive!

Bob: May I offer you in a super rare ultimate DLC Bob painting? Photoshopped by yours truly. It is a masterpiece.

The picture was an old Greek painting, with both the people's faces replaced with Bob's. Disturbed, Meggy tried to back away and stand in front of Crystal's line of sight. Meanwhile, Saiko was writing in a notebook.

Saiko: Wow, Bob knows how to be noticed! I got to take notes...

Smg4: Don't you live in a garbage dump? How'd you afford this place?

Bob: Oh, that's easy. My sound-cloud rap career really hit off last week. Look at them followers!

Boopkins: Yay! Congrats, Bob!

He was interrupted as Mario kicked him away angrily.

Mario: Can we eat now? Where's the Turkey?

Bob: Oh yeah. Follow me to the dinging room.

The dining room was huge, with a long table and a Mona Lisa photo with Bob's face photoshopped onto it.

Bob: It is time to commence the Bob's giving feast. Thanks for joining me.

Mario (Staring at silver dish): that a Turkey!?

Bob: You betcha it is!

Removing the lid, Bob unveiled the Turkey was actually a live one. It screamed as everyone looked confused, except Crystal.

Bob: Mmm...delicious.

Bowser (Face in hand):'re meant to cook it first...

Bob: Huh? Oh yeah, guess I forgot. (Draws shotgun) just give me a sec while I take care of that.

Bob loaded his weapon as Meggy put a hand over Crystal's eyes. Bowser quickly snatched up the Turkey and leapt to the kitchen door.

Bowser: Uhh, you know what Bob, how about i take care of this?

Bob: Oh. Uhh...sure. Do you want the shot-

Bowser: No bob, it's fine.

Bob: And Meggy, can you go help bowser cook, please? That'd be helpful.

Meggy was taken aback in surprise. She'd never admitted it, but she never really learned to cook, with all Crystal's meals since she got teeth being store bought. Of course, she wasn't gonna tell anyone this, so...

Meggy: Umm...err...Can I!? Cooking is my specialty!

She shuffled Crystal's high chair nearer to Tari.

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