Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - World war Mario

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Plot: As all out war breaks out on Anime island, the gang rush to save their friends before it's too late...


Ships pulled up to the beach, filled with A.S.S soldiers ready for war...

The gang was ready, in whatever way they could prepare.

Mario hummed happily like nothing was happening. Smg4 remained silent for what was coming. Luigi curled on the floor. Tari and Boopkins were worried, having to be the medic's. Bob was reading the newspaper, Chris and Saiko were standing ready and Swag eagerly awaited the battle.

Swag: Let me at them! I'll kick their Kawaii ass!

Tari: I can't believe it's come to this...

Saiko: Just hang on a little longer you two...

Saiko listened over to the other boat, hearing Luigi freaking out.

Luigi: I can't take it! Let me off!!!!

Mario: Luigi! You baby, stop whining. There's nothing to worry about. Isn't that right fellas?

A.S.S Soldier:.........You're F*cked.

Mario: See?

Luigi screamed even louder.

Chris: Okay guys, 30 seconds! The moment the boat lands, be quick on your feet and clear the bunkers and most importantly, get the hell of the beach. Good luck...and may god be with you.

The gates begin to slowly open. The atmosphere became more and more tense as the seconds passed.

Swag: Chris...I'm scared.

Chris: Me too.

The gates unlocked...and all hell broke loose.

As soon as the walls dropped, gunfire littered the boats. Several soldiers were gunned down in seconds, forcing the Mario bros and Smg4 to jump out, while Saiko used her hammer to skilfully block the bullets and save Tari and Boopkins.

Saiko: Move your asses!

Soldiers died left and right, either to enemy fire or land mines. Smg4 and Mario swam quickly to shore, using a corpse as a shield. They ran across the beach, amidst all the explosions.

Mario: So how's your Thursday going, Smg4?

Smg4 screamed as they got behind cover. Boopkins watched as the carnage around him got even worse.

Boopkins: War...war never changes...

Bob laid down merciless fire onto the opposing anime soldiers.

Bob: You goddamn waifus go back to your manga's and anime!

An anime girl shot at the Garo with a rocket launcher, setting him on fire as Luigi ran up with a first aid kit.

Luigi: You guys go on ahead!

Mario and Smg4 ran fast under the dangerous watch of Snipers. As a sniper took aim at Smg4 to kill him, she found a grenade by her feet right before it exploded.

Saiko: Die, you Bastards!

Saiko sent another grenade forward by launching it with her hammer.

Smg4 finally caught up with Mario to find him lounging on a random chair, eating Popcorn.

Mario: Hey, this is a pretty good firework show.

Smg4 kicked Mario to keep him moving, making their way to Tari and Boopkins. Both were hiding behind a destroyed Tank, the latter giving aid to a dying soldier.

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