Smg4 Fanfiction Crystal Splezter - Mario and the diss track

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Plot: When Bob goes too far, Mario and friends decide to give him a taste of his own medicine...

(December 15th - 2018)

The day was already going off to a bad start as Mario and Luigi were being kicked out of a restaurant. After being ordered to stay out, Luigi turned to Mario in anger.

Luigi: Mario! I told you not to play with your food! Why didn't you listen!?

Mario briefly looked down at his pants.

Mario: Oh c'mon! As if you've never put spaghetti in your underwear before!! (Looks around) Hey, what's all this?

Luigi turned around...

Luigi: Wah! Oh no!

And saw everything was themed around Bob. Posters littered the wall, balloons were hung up everywhere and people were playing his music and break dancing.

Mario: Hmm...there's something different about this place...

Luigi: This is bad...Bob is everywhere!! We gotta get back to the castle and tell everyone!

Unfortunately, the "Bob fever" was infectious as Mario was already wearing Bob swag.

Mario: Why? He's not doing anything wrong.

Luigi: Bob can't have this much power Mario! He'll...he'll do something bad...I know it...

Behind him however, Mario grabbed another fans balloons and floated up to the sky as Luigi turned.

Luigi: Mario?

Looking up, he called out in horror as Mario floated up to the sky and got hit by a plane with a Bob banner on it.


Meanwhile at Bob's mansion, Bob sat on his golden throne and stared blankly at his Tv. His sound-cloud music live listener count was at 15,420,123 and staying their. That was his problem.

Bob: Goddammit! (Throws remote at Tv) Is this thing broken?! I haven't seen it go up for a whole minute!

Nearby, Saiko looked out the window and saw a crowd of swarming fans, the gate being the only thing holding them back.

Saiko: Uhh...Bob, I think it's not going up because...Everyone in the mushroom kingdom is already a fan...

Enraged, Bob leapt on top of his golden statue.

Bob: I don't care! It's not enough! I want the whole world to know my name. THE WHOLE WORLD...

Saiko:'re right! We need to think bigger! We need everyone to notice us!!! Err...I mean you...

Bob: I think it's time...Time for my ultimate secret weapon!


Bob: No. But that's not a bad idea!


Back at the mushroom castle, people were just doing their usual things and having fun...when Luigi burst through the door, breaking it.

Luigi: Guys! Guys, it's horrible!!!

Toad (Excited): Mario's dead!?

Toads excitement was cut as Mario walked behind Luigi, covered in Bob's Merchandise. Toad cursed silently.

Luigi: No, it's Bob! He...he's everywhere!!!

Boopkins was shocked, but everyone else was...lacklustre.

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