Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - 10 year anniversary special

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Plot: It's time to celebrate 10 years of Smg4 craziness!

(May 8th -2021)

Peach: Dear Mario, please come to the castle. I've baked a cake for you. Yours truly-Princess Toadstool.

Mario: I LOVE CAKE!!!!!!!

And that's how our journey begins...

Lakitu floated outside the castle of Princess peach, panning over the glorious sights. He floated over to the plains, when a green pipe emerged from the ground...

And from it...

Mario emerged! He jumped and landed on the plains, running towards to castle to get his cake from peach.

Mario: Yay! Free cake for nothing!

Mario arrived at the castle bridge, Lakitu floated down to meet him...

When a Tellytubbie holding a pizza landed on top of him.

Lakota: Pizza delivery for Mario?

Excited, Mario broke script and danced happily with the Tellytubbie as he got his Pizza.

Smg4: Cut, Cut, Cut! The hell are you doing Mario?!

Mario stopped eating momentarily, yelling "breakfast!"

Smg4: How am I supposed to recreate my first ever video for my 10 year anniversary if you keep ruining it?!

Mario ignored him, continuing to eat Pizza and sing a song. Annoyed, Smg4 threw a camera at him and inadvertently set the pizza on fire, Causing Mario to scream in horror.

Smg4: Forget it, recreating the cake is a lie isn't big enough for this 10 year anniversary.

Smg4 turned around to think. Behind him, Mario cried for his lost Pizza as Peach approached.

Peach: Hey guys, you wanted me for a video?

Annoyed, Mario grabbed peach and hurled her into the castle. He then ran around in circles until he exploded as well.

Smg4: No...for 10 years...I need to throw a party. The biggest party that we've ever had! And I'm going to get every single person that's been on adventures with us over the past 10 years. (Turns around) And you're gonna help me Mario!

Smg4 paused in confusion. All he saw was the flaming pizza and a gold coin. He kicked it, bringing Mario back to life.

Mario: Aw, do I have too?

Smg4: Yes!!!! Let's go!!!!!

They then got into their car. As Smg4 did his seatbelt up and Mario hung a magic rock on the fender, with a carriage attached to the back...

The Mario mobile was once again ready to roll!

Smg4: Road trip!

And so, they were off!


Pedestrian: And that's why young jimmy that you should never go out in the street! You could get run over and-

The pedestrian was silenced as Mario and Smg4 ran over him, confusing the young child.

In the car, Mario and Smg4 grooved to the resse's puffs theme as they zoomed through the Mushroom kingdom.

They rode past the Weegee isle's, past Ben and Slenderman in the Tellytubbie's land and through space. When they rode through the dessert past the same weird hobo's, this time, the yellow hobo stared intently at the leaving car.

Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal SplezterWhere stories live. Discover now