Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - Mario the babysitter

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Plot: Deciding she needs some time to clear her head, Meggy leaves Crystal with Mario while she goes for a walk, but it's not as easy as it looks.

(October 2nd - 2017)

Meggy realised she'd barely gotten some time to herself since she'd had Crystal, having just turned 15 a few months earlier. Knowing it would help both of them to have some time apart, she went to Mario's house and asked him to watch Crystal.

Meggy: I'm just warning you Red,'s a lot of responsibility-

Mario: Meggy, relax! Mario can watch the Bambini for a few hours, just go for a walk or something and she'll be fine.

Meggy! Well, o...okay.

She handed Crystal to Mario, holding her hand.

Meggy: Crystal, I'll be back soon, okay? Mr Mario is gonna Take care of you.

She looked confused.

Meggy: Be back soon Sunshine.

Kissing her on the forehead, she walked away from Mario's house. Mario knew it was hard for both of them.

Closing the door, it finally occurred to him that he had no idea how to care for an infant. He stood awkwardly for a minute.

Mario: babies like spaghetti?

She just babbled in response.

Mario: Of course you'd say that.


After putting Crystal into a high chair, Mario read the note on the fridge that Luigi had left.

Mario: (Reading) Bro, I'm off doing one of my shifts. Please know that babies are not toys to throw around. I've left your lunch in the fridge. Love you, Luigi. (Stops reading) Jeez, and they say I'm dumb.

Getting his lunch out the fridge, he walked back to the table.

Mario: Alright kid, what is the plan today-?

His eyes enlarged and the plate hit the floor as he saw Crystal was no longer in a high chair.

Mario: Crystal?! Where did she-!?

He heard giggling looked up. Someone, she'd managed to get up on the shelf.

Mario: What the spaghetti god!? How did you get up their!?

Crystal was laughing like crazy, knocking stuff off the shelf as Mario struggled to grab all of it. After successfully stopping all the jars from hitting the floor, an anvil landed on his head.

Mario: Ow...


Meggy sat up from her bed and yawned. That was the best sleep she had got in months. She checked her watch and saw she still had an hour left till she had to pick up Crystal.

She decided to look through her remaining belongings. While looking, she found her old splattershot. She reminisced, remembering all the good times of training and preparing for Splatfest.

Where had all the time gone?

Meggy: Maybe it's about time I got my mojo back...

She went upstairs and set up a line of empty bottles, ready as targets as she prepared her splatter shot.

Just breathe...

Look down the barrel...



Target hit on the first shot!

Meggy felt it all flooding back in an instant. A grin grew on her face as she recalled all the fun training she'd had. The moves came back like they'd never left, nailing every target on every shot. She felt alive.

Amongst all this, she didn't realise her phone off to the side...or that she had 3 missed calls from Mario.


Tapping his foot at a rapid pace, Mario was stuck listening to cheesy splatoon wait music and waiting for Meggy to pick up. Instead, his got the dial tone again.

Meggy's voicemail: You've reached Meggy, busy right now. Please leave a message after the - Crystal, that isn't A toy! Put it down! Gah, just...leave a message! (Beep)

Mario: Meggy, it's-a me! Mario's calling for the fourth time because your daughter somehow climbed on a shelf and I don't know how-


He saw she'd knocked a jar of Spaghetti off onto the floor.

Mario: Okay, that's it! Get down here kid, your on a time out!

She giggled, suddenly transforming into some kind of squid and sliding side to side on the shelf.

Mario: Okay! I'm gonna count to 3 and if you are not down from their by then-!

As if on cue, she jumped off.

Mario: I didn't think this through!

Jumping, Mario landed on his front. He was then met with back breaking pain as Crystal landed on his spine. Seeing she was fine and just laughing away, Mario's head hit the floor in defeat.

Mario: Mario is never having kids...


Meggy strolled to Mario's front door, listening to music on her headphones and humming along.

As she knocked on the door, it was quickly opened by Mario. His eyes looked deranged, but she tried not to notice.

Meggy: H...hi Red. I'm here to pick up-

Before she could finish, she had to stumble back as Mario shoved the baby into her arms.

Mario: Next time I babysit for anyone, I expect to get paid!

He slammed the door in her face.

Meggy: Well, that was weird.

Crystal babbled in her arms, making her smile as she put their foreheads together.

Meggy: Did you have a good day Sunshine?"

She laughed.

Meggy: Heh, maybe I could ask Mario to watch you some other time...


Luigi: Bro, I'm-What happened in here?! Why are all these jars broken!?

Away from Luigi and the mess, Mario was slumped on the couch.

Mario: Don't get me started...

To be continued...

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