Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - A totally Normal Smg4 episode

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Plot: Just a normal day in the Mushroom kingdom! But...something feels off...

(August 9th - 2020)

The day was lovely at the Mario bros residence. Mario was sleeping in his bed. When his alarm clock rang, he shot it, got up and did some stretching.

Mario: What a lovely day for some FOOD!!!

Mario went to the fridge, getting a plate of Spaghetti and eating it as Luigi came from behind him.

Luigi: Hey Mario! We need to head to the castle! Smg4 needs help!

Mario (Angered): Not now, can't you see I'm eating spaghetti Luigi?

Luigi: Aw, come on Mario! (Glitched) He could really use our help!

Mario was confused. For a minute, he thought Luigi looked more like his Doll...

Mario: Uhh...Luigi? You okay?

Luigi: Yeah, of course I am bro! Now let's go see Smg4!

Mario (Nervous): O...Kay?

Then the walls glitched out as they suddenly found themselves in Smg4's room at the castle, the meme lover at his computer.

Mario: What the? How'd we get here so fast?

Luigi: Hey Smg4! We're here! What did you need help with?

He just sat their...motionless. What's weirder was that Luigi didn't even notice. Mario got closer and check on him. He didn't even flinch.

Mario: Smg4? You there bro?

Smg4 remained silent...then his eye moved to look at Mario...and then-

Smg4: Hey guys!

A smile crossed his face like everything was normal.

Smg4: Thanks for coming to help. I need help (Glitched) with making a meme!

The whole world glitched as Luigi was suddenly behind Mario.

Luigi: Oh, we can help with that?

Smg4: Awesome! I called the other guys to come and help.

Mario turned around, jumping in surprise. Everyone was just...their.

Mario: Woah! When did you guys get here?!

Boopkins: Hi Smg4, how can we (Glitches) help?

Saiko: Yeah, let's help! (Glitched) Me...

Mario didn't know what was happening. Meggy was saying something, but she said it so fast he couldn't understand. It sounded like..."Help me."

When her head started glitching out and turning into a watermelon, Tari's arm had twisted and was waving at Mario, her head Upside-down on her shoulders. Mario could realise now these...things were not his friends, backing away slowly.

Mario: St-stay back. All of you!

Mario was scared for his life, not eased when he saw Smg4. His eyes were unnatural, gazing into his soul.

Smg4? (Glitched): What's wrong Mario? You don't look so good.

That was the last straw for Mario. Screaming, he ran out the door and gazed over the barrier.

Smg4 was in the centre of the room...but-

Mario: You're...You're not Smg4, are you?

Smg4 glitched. Then Smg3 was In his place, the castle gone as he stared at Mario from across a blank space.

Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal SplezterWhere stories live. Discover now