Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - The Minecraft plague

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Plot: A mysterious cube shaped plague falls across the Mushroom Kingdom.

(September 7th - 2019)

In the giant lake outside the castle, it was a lovely day for a swim. Now that she was human, Meggy could finally go in water without drowning or burning up.

She did simple laps around the lake, while Boopkins swam around gracefully. Being a fish, it was natural for him to be a good swimmer.

Meggy: Yeah! Being a human isn't so bad.

She turned around to a heartbreaking sight. Crystal stood by the edge of the water, wearing rubber wings and backing away every time the water washed by her feet. She swam over in concern.

Meggy: Crystal, cmon! It's not that bad...

Crystal: No! I don't wanna get an ouchie...

Meggy frowned. Crystal had touched water few times back when she was an inkling and had gotten burned, but it had been enough to mentally scar her.

Meggy: Crystal...I know your scared, but you don't have to fear anything now.

She brushed her hair a bit, referencing their different bodies.

Meggy: The water won't hurt you now, okay? Just trust me, take my hand.

Meggy held Crystal's hand, helping her walk as she swallowed her fear.

When her feet finally went far enough so the next splash enveloped them...she opened her eyes in shock. It was cold but...

Crystal:'s not hurting!

Meggy: See? C'mon, I'll help you.

She moved forward with a bit more confidence, then when she finally got to the ledge, she took a small leap. She mostly landed in the water, holding onto her Mom tightly and hyperventilating.

Meggy: Shh, shh. It's okay, I gotcha Crystal. Just paddle your feet, then you can stay afloat like me.

Crystal: Don't let go...

Meggy: I won't. Promise.

Taking her Mom's hands, Crystal slowly pulled away and did what she was told. Her whole perspective of the world was changing before her eyes, no longer held back by water causing her pain.

Crystal: Heh...hehehehe! Mommy, look! I'm swimming!

Meggy: Yeah, you got it Sunshine!

She laughed, Meggy joining in before Crystal pulled her goggles over her face and put her face in the water. Frightened, Meggy pulled her out as she had a bit of a coughing fit.

Meggy: Crystal, are you okay?!

Crystal: (Cough) Sorry Mommy, I was trying to be brave like you...

Meggy: Aww, it's okay Crystal. Just warn me next time and...try to hold your breath.

Crystal: Hehe! Okay Mommy.

Around them, Meggy noticed Boopkins doing full laps like it was nothing.

Meggy: Boopkins, could you not show off like that? I'm literally teaching my daughter to swim.

Boopkins jumped up and posed in the suns glow.

Boopkins: I am beautiful!

He landed back down, a mysterious cube floating towards him.

Boopkins: Oh, whatever do you mean-Ah!

Feeling the cube touch him, Boopkins got scared and knocked the cube back onto dry land.

Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal SplezterWhere stories live. Discover now