Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - A year goes by...

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Plot: Meggy looks back as Crystal celebrates her first birthday.

(May 15 - 2018)

Meggy was enjoying her sleep when her alarm went off. Disgruntled, she smashed her hand onto the snooze button and tried to go back to sleep.

Then she remembered why she set the alarm.

Leaping out of bed and checking the calendar, she knew she had to be fast and also quiet. Slipping on her clothes and beanie with her headphones, she quickly moved to her living room.

An hour later, she went back to Crystal's crib and looked at her. She looked so peaceful, sleeping quietly while cuddling her blanket. She woke her gently by stroking her cheek.

Meggy: Crystal? Wake up. It's a special day for you...

She woke up groggy, needed Meggy to left her out as she rubbed her eyes.

Crystal: Mama? I Sweepy...

Meggy: You won't be once you see what I've made you!

She went out of the bedroom and into the living room, where what awaited Crystal caused her eyes to open wide.

Boxes with pretty wrapping, a tray of cupcakes and a big orange banner that read...

Meggy: Happy Birthday! It's all for you my little Sunshine!

Instantly awake, she laughed and bounced in joy. Putting her down, she dashed from one thing to the next to admire it.

Meggy smiled and laughed, looking at her little girl. A whole year ago, she was so down about her life that she considered giving her up, but looking back now, it would've been the biggest mistake in her life.

Still, she felt kind of...sad. Looking at her daughter having fun on her birthday, running without a care in the world, it made her think about her own parents.


Mrs Splezter: Happy birthday Meggy!

Mr Splezter: Got you this Splattshot just for you Kiddo!

Meggy (Young): I love it dad! Thank you...

Mr Splezter: Anytime kiddo.

Mrs Splezter: Just don't go covering the house like you did last time.

Meggy (Young): That was years ago mom and I'm sorry!

Mrs Splezter: I know, I'm just pulling your tentacles.

It was times she never wanted to forget. Especially when...

The moment she got up, she made a beeline for the bathroom. Her body was on fire as she emptied her guts into the toilet as Her Mom ran in.

Mrs Splezter: Sweetie, are you okay?

Meggy: Do I look okay-!? (Retches)

Mrs Splezter: It's okay Sweetie. Do you need to go to the doctor?

Meggy: M...maybe...

Mrs Splezter: Okay, let's go.

Meggy: (Retches) In a minute-!

That barf fest went on for another hour before she was well enough to go to the doctor. It's after that, her memory got a bit...fuzzy. She remembered bits and pieces, but not the full thing.

The look of horror on her Mom's face when she heard her only daughter was pregnant at barely 14.

The drive home, full of shame.

The unintelligible yelling of her parents downstairs as she tried to cover her ears and go to sleep.

Then leaving the house with a small backpack of belongings.

It was her and Crystal against the world. For her, that's probably how it was-

(Ding dong!)

Meggy: Huh? Who could that be?

Since Crystal was currently busy, she went to open the door. To her utter surprise and confusion, Mario just walked in with a present.

Mario: Hey Meggy.

Meggy: M-what?

He was walked past, followed by Luigi with a present...

Luigi: Hi Meggy!

Then Saiko...

Saiko: I'm here reluctantly.

Then Boopkins...

Boopkins: I got Crystal my favourite brand of anime doll!

Then Bob...

Bob: Where is the little brat? I want to get cake and then get the hell out of here!

Then Shroomy...

Shroomy: Howdy Meggy! Where is the little scamp?

Still confused, she pointed in the direction of the living room. Finally, Smg4 entered with a chocolate cake.

Smg4: I knew you wouldn't think to buy a cake, so I brought one!

Meggy: Smg4, all this?

Smg4: We remembered it was Crystal's Birthday, so we decided to come over and help throw a party!

Meggy: But I only mentioned it, like, once!

Smg4: And when you did, Luigi marked it down on his calendar.

Meggy was in utter disbelief, struggling to get her words straight.

Meggy: I...I don't know what to think, I mean...why are you being so nice to me? To her, to both of us?

Smg4: You sound surprised.

Meggy: It's just...since I had Crystal, No one's been this nice to me.

Smg4 smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.

Smg4: Hey, what are friends for?

He took the cake and walked past, leaving her in silence. She smiled as her heart warmed.

Meggy: Friends...I forgot what that was like.

Smg4: Hey everyone, I got the cake!

Crystal: Yay!

Mario: Wa-hoo!

Bob: Hell yeah!

Saiko: Finally...

Her smile turned to a smirk as she went in.

Meggy: Hey, save some for the mom of the birthday girl!

Maybe this "Friends" thing wasn't too bad...

To be continued...

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