Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal Splezter - The Mario Carnival

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Plot: Mario and Smg4 end up in a shallow contest to win a doll, which leads to a meeting of two new friends.

(September 8th - 2018)

The newly opened Bob's carnival was ablaze with lights, ready for customers and even more ready to take their money. Behind a counter of toys, Bob stood in a new hat to present his success.

Bob: Step right up, step right up! Look at all of the Amazing gifts at Bob's carnival! It will knock your tits off!

Mario then appeared from nowhere to admire the toys.

This one in particular caught his interest, an eggman football!

At least until he realised it was 100,000 tickets!

Mario: What?! Why is it so expensive?!

Bob: Huh, I see you've laid eyes on the mystical football artefact. One of the rarest items to offer at Bob's Carnival.

Mario: How does Mario even get tickets? All I have is this crappy cash from princess peach's savings. (Fading out) man...Mario just wants to play with that sexy football!

What Mario went on about his story, Bob was lost in the trance of looking at the bag of Money Mario had presented.

Bob: Sweet baby Jesus. Don't worry, you shall soon be mine.

Mario: Uh...what did you just say?

Bob: Oh, nothing. Anyway, so you want a prize, Huh? Bob's carnival has a bunch of Crazy Games you can play! Look at all these rig-I mean fun attractions. And if you're lucky enough, you can win some Bob tickets!

Mario: Wow! Mario can play games and win prizes?!

Excited, Mario ran off to play as Bob wished him good luck.

Bob: Don't forget to spend all your money!

He checked to make sure no one was watching...

Bob: Well, time to restock.

He leapt into the nearby trash can, finding a Majora's mask and some Banana's.

Bob: Oh, these will make great prizes. Hehehehe! The scamming business has been so easy since Waluigi went crazy and Wario Disappeared.

Later on, Mario ran over to the ring toss where Smg4 was having a go. He was clearly enraged, screaming as he kept throwing rings, but none landed on the bottles.

Bob: So close! Come on, that one just missed! Wow, you throw like a little bitch.

Mario: What? Bob? How'd you get here so fast!?

Bob: I am omnipotent.


Smg4: Argh! I need those tickets!

He dropped a giant bag of money.

Smg4: Give me another 700!!

Bob: With pleasure, try not to be so pathetic this time.

Loading all his rings into a mini gun, Smg4 opened fire in the direction of the ring toss glasses...but didn't land a single one.

Bob: Holy Sh*t, you shoot like a B*tch as well.

Smg4: What the hell!? How is this possible!?

Mario took a closer look at the game, then realised...

Mario: Hey! I think that fan there is blowing away all the rings...

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