Chapter 52

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Crystal's POV
It was about two or three in the morning when Blake and I had gotten back because someone had decided that glow bowling on the other side of the city was a good idea.

After we got back Blake announced that he had to get clothes from his cabin so I left to get a shower.

Will and Nico were asleep and judging from the lake forming on Will's shirt they'd been like that for a while.

I chucked to myself and gathered my clothes walking to our cabin's bathroom. Having a private bathroom was sooo nice, Other more populated cabins have to use the public washrooms and trust me they are not pretty.

I walked out of the bathroom with only a pair of shorts cause screw it if I'm going to be stuck as guy I might as well enjoy it.

Blake was already passed on my bed. ON TOP OF MY COVERS.
I groaned and shoved him off the bed and snuggled under warmth he left.

He groggily pushed himself up,"What was that for?"

"You were on top of the blankets" I say poker faced.

"And you couldn't just side under covers next to me you do have like a queen sized bed" he pouts.

"Stop pouting and lay with me ya baby" I lift the blankets allowing him to lay in front of me.

"No you don't get to be in the back you're too small and cuddly" he he teases walking around the bed.

"Whatever you're lucky I love you" I grumble.

"LET ME SLEEP!" I yelled at my annoying boyfriend,"IT'S TOO EARLY TO WAKE UP"

"It's nine o'clock" he sighs.

"Exactly too early I need another five hours function" I shove my face into my pillow.

"Come on I'm up" he beams.

"Get me a couple pots of coffee and maybe I'll think about"

"Just get up" he scolds.

I get up and notice that Will and Nico were still sleeping the only thing that had changed was that now you could only see a couple tuffs of Nico's hair sticking over top his blood red comforter.

"But our idiot brothers aren't up yet" I complain.

"For a matter of fact I've been listening to you two bickering like an old married couple for a while now" Will rasps without opening his eyes.

"Whatever let's go I need food preferably donuts" I start walking out the door.

"Uh Crys don't you think you're forgetting something?" he says suppressing a smile.

Forgetting something what would I be forgetting?,"And what would that be?"

"Um It might be this thing called a shirt" he smirks.

I look down at my semi-pale chest. I mean I'm not as pale as Nico is but still it's not like I could get very much sun in the middle of winter.

"Whatever get me a shirt" I sigh.

I Change into shorts and a Camp Half-Blood shirt and put on my leather cord necklace displaying one bead as did my brothers. I looked at Blake, his necklace had four beads, he had one that looked like a star, one that was the shape of a maze, one that looked like a tiny version of a scythe, and a last one that was the shape of a globe. The one that I had also symbolizing war with Gaea.

"Can we go now" I yawned

"Yeah was going to invite the other half of the crew but I'm pretty sure Will fell asleep again drooling into your brother's hair" he chuckles.

"Let him sleep they can drown in there own spit while we get food" I wave him off.

"Well aren't you just the concerned sibling" he laughs shutting the door.

"You should a concerned boyfriend" I shrug.

"Why would I be concerned?"

"Because I'm about to faint from a lack of food" I fall towards him. And he lets me hit the ground.

"Blake Letterman that is no way to treat a lady" I yell over his hysterical laughter.

"I'm so sorry I must have spaced out there" he fakes an apology.

"Oh no I believe I have hurt my ankle" I shout.

"If your hurt I am a medic I can fix that" he smirks knowing what I want him to do.

"No it's not that bad" I say,"But if you could be a dear and carry me be cause I'm so weak from lack of sleep and nourishment, oh faint"

Which just causes him to laugh harder before he helped me to my feet.

An hour later Will showed up solo with a very disheveled head of hair and I hadn't gotten any donuts.

"Where's lover boy, Homo?" I ask through a mouth full of scrambled eggs.

"He's a little preoccupied at the moment" he says with a satisfied smirk a small blush creeping onto his tan face.

"And what dare I ask is he doing?" Blake snickers.

Will's face got beet red,"" he stampers,"What are we eating?" he changes the subject.

"Not donuts" I scoff.

"You just had donuts yesterday" Blake sighed.

"But I didn't have any today" I whine.

"You sure you aren't an old married couple?" Will laughs.

"shouldn't you be off suckin some face?" I counter.

"Shouldn't you? I think I already had my fair share this morning" he sassed me shoving a whole slice of French toast in mouth.

So this chapter was just mainly to show what Blake and Crystal had been doing for the last couple chapters because I feel I don't include them as much as could.
Peace Out

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