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I don't know when I started liking her. I have known her since she moved here in the start of summer, our groups of friends only hung out in a big group every once in awhile.

I do remember a time in August when I really started wanting to know her better.

It was the summer before freshman year. Tyler planned for the guys Sam, Jake, Brandon, and I to meet up with Jessica, who he had a thing with, at Joe's with her group of friends. That included Hannah, Mallory, Jenna, and Mckayla.

Everyone in both groups knew each other, besides Mckayla, since any grade in Elementary. All our families have done some stuff in the past since we've all been good friends.

Mckayla just recently started hanging out with our crowd since June. When her and her family moved down the street from Jessica. When anyone of us had bonfires, Jessica usually invited her to tag along. When I did see her at parties she was usually quiet until someone asked her a direct question. Which was contradicting because when she talked it was normally interesting. Interesting enough that people usually stopped talking just to listen.

That has changed since she started hanging out around Mallory, Jenna, Jessica, and Hannah. These girls are usually the loudest at pep fests and dances.

Anyways, us boys were the first to arrive at Joe's which was a burger joint about two blocks from the high school which we were about to start.

We grabbed a table in the back that could fit all 10 of us. We decided to order for ourselves since the girls weren't here yet. It was 15 minutes later that the girls finally arrived.

Mckayla came in the door last so I got a pretty good look at her. Her skin was fairly tanned from her trip to Mexico with her family earlier this summer. She was wearing jean shorts with a t-shirt that had some cute saying on it.

Her hair seemed lighter than the last time I saw her and I also noticed that her braces were a nice shade of baby blue. She made eye contact with me and gave a little wave before she followed her friends to the counter to order.

After the girls and the food came, we all started talking about our summer adventures.

Jenna ended up going a mission trip to Guatemala for most of the summer. Hannah and Jessica spent some weeks in the U.S. Florida to be exact. Mallory and Mckayla spent June doing small things together. Then in July Mckayla went to Mexico for 3 weeks Mallory went to a few camps.

As for the guys. We mostly played video games and went swimming.

Mckayla ended up across from me with a bacon cheeseburger and some fries.

We were listening to Jake tell this story about the time he and Tyler went swimming and Jake tried to get this girls number.

"So I said to her 'If I told you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?" Everyone laughed.

I chuckled but, Come on. He just left eighth grade.

Mckayla must of thought the same thing because she then whispered.

"Did you actually think that was going to work?" No one heard her because it was a quite statement but, I found that hilarious.

I happened to be sipping on my drink. So, after she said that I choked on my drink which caused everyone to look at me.

"Sorry." I said as my face got red. Everyone went back to talking. I looked up at Mckayla. She caught my eye and blushed and looked down so I couldn't see her laughing.

That's when I realized that I wanted know more about her than the little snippets of conversations I hear about her. Not just this one joke. I wanted to know her more than just someone I hung out with every few weeks or saw in a few of my classes.

I wanted to know what her deepest fears were. What she thought about life. If she believed in bigfoot or ghosts.

I just wanted to know her and I was determined to do whatever it took.

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