11. Just Great

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Shawn has seemed pretty happy these last few months. He told me that he wasn't doing the second tour of MAGCON and pretty much the whole group separated after that. He did get signed to a label though. Which was exciting because it's been a dream of his for a while. His fan base also gained a lot. He now had 2 million follow on twitter and instagram.

He's also been in the studio more often then not. He's making a album and only has let me go visit him twice there. Once because I had to pick up something he had for me and two because he wanted lunch. I'm okay with it. Let the 'music juices' flow.

'Just received the best news in the whole wide world!' Shawn texted me.

'Got accepted to Hogwarts?' I texted back.

'Already happened (; meet me at the safe house ASAP.' He replied.

I went into the kitchen to grab the car keys. I was almost out the door when my mom stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Out." I answered. I looked at the clock it was 3:45pm. "I'll be back by 7."

She nodded to herself. "Alright. Family meeting when you get back."


I reached the dock. Shawn was there with the biggest smile on his face.

"What's up?" I asked grinning.

"As you know my album is coming out." He that thing where he absentmindedly crossed his feet and spun slowly.

"An Album? You must be some pop star or something." I played along.

"Do you know what else pop stars do?" He asked.

I tapped my chin thinking. "No clue."

"Go on tour. In the summer. For the album that they made." he beamed.

I was speechless, but like last time I wasn't mad about it. This was amazing his singing career was kicking off. If it was for the summer that mean't I could visit him more often.

"That's just wow.. You're getting places." I gave him a hug. "But, I'm straving at the moment so ice cream?"

"I'm always down for ice cream." Shawn said grabbing my hand and leading us back to our cars.


As I got home I noticed that my whole family was sitting in the living room. We don't always do that often. The only times we do is when we are going on vacation, some gets a promotion, or something big is happening.

"There you are. Come sit down." My dad looked happy like whatever he was about to say was going to fill us up with the same happiness. I sat down on the couch next to my brother. I haven't seen him much because he was busy getting ready for college.

"Okay. Kayla is here now what do you want to tell us." Melina said. She seemed annoyed like she would do anything else besides this.

"Well as you know. My business is expanding." He started. My dad was a contractor for houses. "It turns out that in Atlanta. They want to open another headquarters."

"So, you're going back to Atlanta?" Melina asked.

"No." Our Mom cut in. "It means we're moving!"

It got dead quite. Melina started raising her voice about how it wasn't fair. Mark was okay with it since he was leaving for Ohio State soon.

"What about my friends?" Whined Melina. "Can I finish the school year?"

"They made phones for a reason and were moving the week after school ends so it's okay." My dad said calmly.

"That doesn't make anything thing okay." Melina snapped back. She then went on to say how she was just starting to fit in and having friends that mean the world to her and accept her.

"What do you have to say Mckayla?" My mom asked me when Melina was done.

"You guys have a real knack for ruining things." They looked taken back. I never voiced my opinions to them. I got up and went to my room. The thing is I can handle this.

I can handle moving.
I can handle making new friends.
I can also handle starting over.

I just can't handle breaking up with the person I love.


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