4. The Start

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It's a little longer of a chapter.
LOTP (Acoustic) - Shawn Mendes

I was laying on my sleeping bag. It was way past midnight. The lights were off. The girls fell silent just seconds ago.

"He kissed me." I stated. The lights were back on in seconds.

"What?!" They all shouted at me.

"He kissed me." I said again. I was in a daze since Jenna's mom picked us up. I didn't even change for bed. In fact I was still wearing his hoodie.

"Shut up."
"No way."
"Tell us more."
"That explains a lot."
"Wait, Shawn kissed you?"
"You're not lying are you?"
They all said at once.

It was hard to tell who was asking because I just kept replying the feeling of his lips on mine.

"Why are you guys acting like this is a surprise?" I wondered.

"Because Shawn doesn't date. Or do anything of the sort." Mallory started.

"Trust me. Everyone girl in our grade had tried to get with him at some point in middle school." Jenna added.

"He never budged." Hannah joined.

"And now you come in and you already have him wrapped around your finger." Jessica finished.

I didn't know how to take Jessica's comment "Oh. I didn't know he was like that." I now regretted telling them.

"Yeah but, that's in the past." Jessica brushed off. "Tell us every single detail."

So I did.

It was 6:30 pm the sun was setting pretty early. My parents were out at so I sent them a quick text saying that I would be home by 9.

I headed to the lake which was about 3 miles from where I lived. As I got close to the dock I could here a faint sound of a guitar. As I got even more closer I could here the sound of a voice.

It was Shawn's. It sounded. I didn't have words for it. It was good, great, amazing to say the least.

I stepped on a branch. I silently swore.

He looked back at me and quickly stood up.

I walked the rest of the way to him. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said looking down at his guitar. "Actually it's one of the things. The other one was a song I wrote. It might not be the best considering I wrote it last night."

I sat down on the edge of the dock. My legs hung above the water. I patted the spot next to me.

"Let's hear it." I smiled.

"Uh, alright." He sat down next to me. He didn't start right away. He started by strumming the guitar.

Just when I was about to ask him to start when he started.

'We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes, cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party. I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break...' He repeats it a few more times.

"It's all I got. I haven't finished it yet."

"That was good. Like really good." And I mean't it. It was like he was singing it to me. Or about me for that matter. "Who else knows that you can sing?"

"So far you and my family." He said in a neutral voice.

"You have to share that with other people. You can honestly make it somewhere." He gave me a blank look. "Share music like this with the world. They will love you. Shawn you can be something big." I said the last part with meaning.

"Yeah, but the guys might find this stupid. I don't want to get made fun of. What if-"

I cut him off. "You should really consider listening to your own lyrics. You're right. We don't have the time to be sorry. We have our whole lives ahead of us. You don't want to look back at your life with regrets, do you? Yeah, it's going to be scary but, go big or go home. At least you tried. Shawn. I won't be able to live with myself if I knew I didn't try everything I could do to help you." I finished.

"I don't even know how to start."

"Just start with youtube. Make a cover. There is also this new app called 'Vine'. I haven't heard much about it, but it could help." I suggested.

"I'll sleep on it." He said.

"Play me something else." I said. I then spent the next while just listening to him sing. It was us. The lake. And the moon. That was all I needed.

After I checked my phone it was already 9;45 and I had a 40 min walk ahead of me. I swore.

"I have to go home." I quickly stood up. He stood up too and said he had to get home as well.

We were heading the same way since he lived 3 streets over from me. I texted my parents and said I was going to be a few minutes late. By the time we reached my driveway it was past 10;30.

"Thanks for walking me home." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No problem." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. We both turned to go out separate ways.

"Hey Kayla?" I heard Shawn yell from down the street. "Let's do that again sometime."

"Text me." I yelled back. I walked into the door quietly. The lights in the living room were on so I knew my parents were there.

'Might as well face them now.' I thought.

"Hey guys." I said entering the living room. The living room was t viable from the front door.

"Look who finally got out of her room." My mom said glancing up at me.

"We were getting worried about you there bud." My dad said keeping his eyes on the tv screen. "We didn't want to wake you up so we put your plate in the fridge."

What? What do they mean I was in my room.

"I'm good. I think I'm just going to go back to...bed." I felt throat getting tight.

"Alright honey. Feel better." My mom said dismissing me.

How was she supposed to know I was 'sick' if she never checked on me upstairs. Did they ever look at their phones.

I went upstairs to my room. The second I closed the doors it felt like I was suffocating. This feeling of tiredness came over me. I couldn't do it. My own parents didn't see me. I tried everything. I joined honor classes just to see what they would do and all I got was a pat on the back from my dad. I did volleyball all through middle school even made the top team and got invited to play on the high school team. I dare you to ask me how many games they showed up to. I dare you.

I climbed in bed and prayed that tomorrow would be a better day.

Ooooh this chapter we got a little insight on her parents. Comments on them?

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