5. Safe House

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James Hersey - Coming Over (filous remix)

It's been a few months since that night on the dock. It was now May. Shawn and I made it official December 1st. He even made a vine account. He has only posted a few covers but, he already had a few thousand followers.

He told the guys about his singing. They took it better than he originally thought. We had a few weeks left of school and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

"Hey there pretty lady." Shawn said wrapping an arm around my neck as I was walking to the buses.

"Hey there." I said wrapping a hand around his waist.

"I have some exciting news to tell you." He started. He steered me away from the buses. "But,we have to go to the safe house."

"Alright." I said heading in the direction of it.

Shawn and I decided to call it the 'safe house' because it really did become our safe house. We came here when we felt like the world was caving in on us. We didn't always go there together. On occasion we did find each other there. When those times did happen we usually said nothing. He brought waterproof sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets. That could withstand the rain. I brought some lanterns, matches, and snacks. It worked out nice because no one ever bothered with our stuff. If was as almost as if this dock never existed.

We also made agreement to have radical honesty whenever we have to get things out in the open without judgement. We just told the truth for a timed session of 15 minutes. Then went back to normal. It helped. Trust me.

- Flashback -

"What's your favorite place in the world." Shawn asked as we were skipping rocks. We decided to just take a walk around the lake.

"It's not a place. It's more of a thing." I stated nervously.

"Okay. That's then what's your favorite thing in the world." He corrected flicking another rock that skipped 4 times.

"It might sound weird but, I really like trains. Well subways." I said quickly. Shawn didn't say anything so I took it as a sign to go on. "I don't know why but, back home in Atlanta, I used to just go to the subway whenever I needed to be left alone." I felt winded so I sat down on the grass.

Shawn skipped another rock. "What did you do on the subway?"

"You can only do so much on a subway, but I always sat in the last cart. It's less crowded. Then I would pretend that it was taking me somewhere I really wanted to go." I hugged my knees to my chest.

Shawn stopped skipping and sat down next to me. "Where did you want to go?"

"I didn't really know but, I knew that I would, I don't know, I just believed that I Have this knowing sense when I got there."

"Did you ever figure it out?"

"No. I'll recognize it when I do." I leaned my head into his shoulder. It felt different then all the other times I've done this.

All I felt was peace.
And I didn't want it to leave.

- end -

"So, what did you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Well, remember how I got a call from that guy named Bart?" I nodded. "Well it turns out that he wants to start a tour with me and some other vine people."

My face fell. "When is it?"

"It starts in August and runs until about October. So I'll miss the beginning of sophomore year but, I'll end the year here still."

"I need to go home." I mumbled grabbing my backpack and my sweater.

"Wait, what?" Shawn said rushing after me. I pushed through the branches to get out of here.

"I have to go home." I said again.

He caught up to me. "Please don't tell me you're mad about this." He wasn't questioning it.

"I'm not mad exactly it's just that.. I don't.. What if it's not a good idea?" I said questioned. God, I was sounding like a jerk.

"Weren't you the one that said a few months ago that you wouldn't live with yourself if you didn't do anything to help me?"

"Yeah. I was." How was I supposed to tell him that I didn't want him to leave me for three months. That maybe I was right and wrong at the same time. That I was scared that he might find someone better than me. That he might find this fame life so much better than this stupid little town. That he might forget me. We've only been dating for a few months but, he already showed me more love and understanding than my parents have shown me in the last 4 years. How was I supposed to let that go?

"I have to go home." Was all I could say. It was like my brain was stuck on this one phrase.

"You said that already." Shawn replied harshly.

With that I turned to leave.

I don't know what hurt most. The walk home alone or him not coming after me.

So that just happened. What are your thoughts. Don't forget to comment and vote!


Piece of Your HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora