8. Bon Voyage

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Tonight was Shawn's going away party. We spent most of the summer swimming and going to the movies. Shawn had gotten his license a few weeks ago so, he loved driving. He was leaving for California tomorrow morning.

We were all going to meet at Shawn's house. I threw on some high top converse, light washed jeans and a grey hoodie. I put my hair into a cute messy bun. It was coming to fall so it was a little to cold for shorts.

By the time I reached Shawn's house it was packed. People were spilling around the side of his house. It took me a few minutes to spot him.

"Hey." I said hugging him from behind.

"Hey." he said looking down at me. "Been wondering where you were."

"That's nice." I said giving him a shove.

I spotted Jenna across Shawn's pool with a group of people in our math class. So, I went over to her. We chatted with them for over 2 hours. I heard stories about Shawn and the memories they a had of him.

It was great. I wished I lived here way before. Back home I didn't have many friends. I was pretty sure only a few handful of people knew me by name.

Conversations began to slowly end. I didn't know why until I looked up. Shawn was standing up on a table. I guess it was time for a speech.

"Uh, hi guys." Shawn started. "I just wanted to say thank you guys for coming tonight. This is going to be a huge thing for me and I'm glad that I have this group of friends like you guys to support." Everyone cheered. "I also wanted to give an extra special thank you to someone out there. You know who you are. I just wanted to say that ever since I met you you've brought me nothing, but happiness. Can't wait to make more when I come back, so yeah." I felt my cheeks starting to burn.

"For Shawn!" Jake yelled lifting up his coke.

"For Shawn." We all repeated doing the same.

The party went on for two more hours until his mom came out and said that Shawn needed rest for his flight tomorrow. The main group of friends stayed behind to help clean. Then, we started getting smaller and smaller because they started to leave. Soon it was just us two.

"We can leave this stuff." Shawn said dropping his garbage bag.

"Alright." I copied setting my bag next to his. He walked me home. We didn't say much. He held my hand and when we reached my door he gave me a kiss.
"Hope you have a safe flight." I whispered into his Jacket. We've been hugging for about 10 minutes in the middle of the airport and I could of done it for the rest of my life if it mean't that Shawn didn't have to go that second.

"I have to go." He said pulling me back. "I'll call you as soon as I land."

"Alright." I gave him a kiss on the lips and watched he board the plane. "Wait!"

He turned back around. I had almost forget to give him his present.

"I got you this." I pulled out the guitar pick and tossed it to him. Engraved in it was the word 'until'.

He looked at and gave me a smile. He kissed it and held it to his heart. Then, he finally went on the plane and I didn't stop him.

For some reason It felt like if this was hard things were just about to get harder.

Awhh. The guitar pick part was cute! What do you guys think 'until' means? Next chapter is Shawn's POV so yay!

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