14. Home

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The first two months came and went. Pretty soon it was my birthday. Elliot had surprised me flowers at my door earlier this afternoon. I didn't know what to make of it. I have been hanging out with him a lot lately, but I told him I just wanted to be friends.

"Mckayla, Mail!" My dad yelled from downstairs. I ran downstairs because Jessica told me that the girls all got me something. When I reached downstairs I saw a big box. I carried it back upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and opened it.

The first thing I pulled out was a a big picture frame. All the pictures were a collage of me and the girls. The different parties, sleepovers, and school events we went to. Attached to it was a note that said 'Best years of my life. -Jessica'

The next thing I pulled out was a T-shirt that said 'Camp Boden' it had to be Mallory because as I was in Mexico she went to camps. She knew how bad I wanted to go with her, but couldn't because I was going to be in Mexico.

The next thing I pulled out was a big birthday card signed by all the guys expect Shawn.

The last thing came from Jenna and Hannah. It was a video of them saying how much they missed me. They also mentioned that Mallory and Jessica weren't in the video because they didn't want to show me a 10 minute video of them crying. Which is contradicting because Jenna and Hannah were crying in it.

As I was just about to stuff the things back in the box, to decided where to put my stuff later, my hand scrape something on the bottom. I pulled it out and saw that it was a CD. The front cover was a notebook paper labeled 'Handwritten'

I turned it over in my hand. The back was made of notebook paper as well. It was a track list of songs. The hand writing was unmistakable because I spent two years looking at it. It was Shawn's.

I slowly walked over to my CD player and put it in. I pressed play. At first nothing happened. They I heard the strum of a guitar. It strummed 'Life of The Party' then missed a chord do, it sounded off. The guitar stopped and a deep voice came on. 'What's going on man?'

'Nothing. It's just I messed up.' It was Shawn. He started again and started singing. He messed up a few times. Track one ended at 4 mins.

I listened to all the tracks. I could tell that this was recorded in the studio. Just him going through the songs and commenting on them. I was silent through most them. I even laughed at some of the stories Shawn told to the deep voice which I assumed was his Manager, until I reached 'Crazy'. I could tell this was taken much later then the previous ones. I remember that after we broke up, he pushed his Album release date back 2 weeks because he didn't feel ready. But in this song... He sang it through without complications.

'Think I don't need a watch to tell the time
Think I don't need the sun to help me shine
Think I don't need a girl to be alright
Guess I didn't know

That I didn't need shoes on my feet
That I didn't need a bed to fall asleep
That I didn't need love to be complete
Guess I didn't know.

That I just got this crazy feeling
I've been making someone wait for me, for me'

I was speechless. I listened a little bit more until I couldn't take it anymore. Just as I was about to shut it of I heard the next part.

'Guess I need a watch to tell the time
Guess I need the sun to help me shine
And I really need you in my life
Now I know

That you give me this crazy feeling
And you won't have to wait no more for me, for me'

Tears started falling down face. I started crying. Not a silent cry or a loud. The cry you make when you don't want to cry. When you take deep breaths and tell yourself it's okay because no on else is around you to say it to you. I went out to my balcony that was attached to my room.

"Hey Kayla, can I use your..." Melina silently stopped talking. "Kayla are you okay?" She whispered.

"Yeah." I said wiping my face with the back of my hands. I couldn't make eye contact with her. She sat down next to me. From where we were we could see the sun set.

"You're missing home aren't you?" Melina said after a while. "Not our old Atlanta home, but Toronto home."

I shook my head. I wasn't missing our home.

"You don't get it." I whispered low enough so, she didn't hear.

"What?" She asked confused.

"I said you don't get it." She looked over at me and I met her eyes. "You know how they say 'Home isn't a place it's a feeling'? I get it now. But my home isn't a place or a feeling. It's a person." My voice cracked. "A person that is thousands miles away from me probably never wanting to see me again and I don't know what hurts more. Not..." I couldn't go on. I cried on my sister's shoulder. She rubbed my back until I was done.

"Why are you here?" She asked straightforward. I crinkled my eyebrows.

"Why are you here when your home is a a few hours flight from here?"

Then, it hit me. She was right.

- A

Piece of Your HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora