13. New Start

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I reached over and turned off my alarm. I wanted to stay in bed forever, but sadly I couldn't.

I got out of bed and hopped in the shower. In the new house Melina and I each had our own bathroom. I got into the shower then I brushed my teeth.

I threw on some light washed jeans and a floral tank and slid my feet into some white shoes. After that I put my hair into a side braid. I dyed my hair ombré over the summer for a change.

It was hard leaving the girls. We cried for hours in front of my old house. My parents had given Melina, Mark, and I the option to road trip down to Atlanta, but none of us felt in the mood to do that. The girls have texted me non-stop. We've recently stopped texting though. Jessica and Mallory have came down and visited me in July, but that was about it.

Once we settled in I didn't really go out much. Eventually Shawn's fans had gotten the message that we had broken up. So, when I went to the mall and stuff I always saw some of his fans and got asked about him when in all reality I wanted to forget him. We ended on a bad note. Possibly one that can't be fixed.

"Kayla we're going to be late!" Melina said honking the car horn. She got her driver's licenses over the summer and was obsessed with driving. I hopped in the passenger seat and we drive off to school.

I was nervous. I haven't seen some of these kids since 8th grade. I can guarantee that they probably didn't know my name.

We pulled up into the parking lot. I looked over at Melina. She was white as a ghost. She had grown a lot in the past few years. Her dirty blonde hair had evened out and her blue eyes now were brighter. She was a athlete so, she had an athletic body.

I nudged her. "Hey. You don't have anything to worry about." She nodded. "These kids won't remember you and if they do it doesn't matter. You're hot."

She let out a little laugh. "Can you.. Can you walk me to my first class?" My sister was miss independent so, she rarely asked for things like this.

"Sure." We got out of the car and walked into the main doors. By the time we reached Melina's class the warning bell had ring and I realized I had to turn in a few papers to the office. I took the papers out of my bag so, it could be a quick drop off.

I rounded the corner when I smacked into someone. Papers flew around me.
I crouched down to pick up the papers near me.

"Sorry." The person said. They got down and also helped me. I looked up and saw who my helper was. He had brown hair and blue eyes. I don't know how long I stared at him. He picked my last paper and stood up. I followed his lead.

He handed my papers back. "Thanks." I managed. "You didn't have to."

"I wouldn't be a gentleman then." He grinned.

I didn't know what to say. He held out his hand to shake. "Elliot."

"McKayla." I said shaking. He held on a shake to long. "Look, I got to go." I said dropping his hand and walking pass him.

"Yeah me too." He said walking backwards. "Maybe I'll see you around."

"Maybe." I agreed and spun around. It felt weird talking with someone other than Shawn in a flirting way, but it also felt... Good.

Wonder what's going to happen in the next few chapters....
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