10. V Day

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I have been lacking on the songs:
Bloom - the paper kites

Ever since Shawn had come back, everything seemed better. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day and the girls and I were talking about what our plans were.

"Well me and Hannah are single so, were just going to have a movie night." Mallory stated.

"Nick is taking me out to a movie." Jenna piped.

"Tyler and I are just going to play it by ear." Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Both my parents and Shawn's are going out all night so we just might stay in." I shrugged. It didn't matter to me what we did.

"He so wants to have sex." Hannah said wiggling her eyebrows.

"No he doesn't. We are just going to hang." My faced flushed. Shawn and I have talked about 'sex' on our one year anniversary. I told him it wasn't that important. I didn't feel ready anyways. We were only 16 and it wasn't the first thing on my list. I told when I was ready I would let him know. We have been dating for over a year. He said he would wait forever.

"Whatever you say." Jessica sighed.

"Just tell us all the details tomorrow." Mallory smirked. I threw a pillow at her face causing her to fall of the bed we were all laying on.

"Hey! I was just kidding." She laughed. It was these random moments that I glad I was friends with them.
We decided to spend our Valentine's Day at a park that was a few miles away. Our houses didn't really work for us since his sister was home and my siblings were too.

Once shawn parked his car, we decided to walk the trail. Shawn and I had gotten into the habit of just enjoying one another's company. So, we never really talked much.

"Can't wait for the year to be over!" I sighed when we stopped by a bench. It was now February of our sophomore year. Shawn had caught up with the school work since he studied online.

"Me too." He agreed. I looked over at him. He was getting taller and was definitely more muscular. His hair was less curlier then he used to be. He was going to grow up to be a handsome man.

"What?" He asked grinning down at me.

"Nothing. Just thinking." I sighed again. From our spot on the bench, which was on a hill, we could see kids playing in the park below. "Do you ever think about what your life is going to be in the next 10 years?"

"Yeah." He answered in a heartbeat. "I just want to hope that I keep on making music. I just want to keep making people happy." I nodded. "What about you?" He put his arm around my on the bench.

"Well when I'm 26. I want to know what I'm doing with my life." I played with my hands. "I hope I'm not married or with kids by then. Engaged maybe. I just don't want that pressure of so much.. So soon. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah." Was all he said. I didn't have anything else to say so we just kept quiet. We stayed that way until the kids left the park. The joggers went home. The park that was once filled with sounds turned mute.

I don't know what Shawn was thinking about, but I couldn't stop picturing my future with him.

The next few chapters might suck, but I have a new book that I will put out soon. It's not a fan fiction about anyone it's just a normal teen love story so I hope you guys like it.

- A

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