3. Imagination

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Imagination - Shawn Mendes

We didn't go anywhere in particular at first. I didn't expect her to know the roads being that she just lived here for less than half a year.

But ever turn she took looked determined. "Where are we going?" I asked out of breath.

"You'll see." Although I couldn't see her I knew she was grinning. She took a sharp left and I could tell that we had pretty much ran all the way back to our neighborhood.

We were at one of the lake's many docks. Not a lot of people know about this one because it's pretty hidden. The dock wasn't long. It didn't go far out into the lake so it isn't even visible at first.

She leaned onto the beam catching her breath. I followed in suit.

"How did you find this place?" I asked looking over at her when I could manage a sentence.

"I like being alone sometimes. One day I just took a walk and ended up here." She said without looking at me.

She looked calm. Like she had all the time in the world. Different from the other times I saw.

She tugged at her shirt again.

"Are you cold?" I asked taking off my hoodie. She nodded softly.

"Here." I said putting my hoodie over her head. Her head disappeared under my sweater. Something went awkward with her hands so, I helped her.

After she slid her head through the top we were only a few inches apart.

"It's good to see you again." I whispered. Something flashed before her eyes but, it was gone as quickly as it came.

"I want to show you-" I started as she said "This might sound crazy."

We both laughed. "You first." she offered.

"I was going to say I wanted to show you showing something that I've never shown anyone." I felt the back of my neck get hot.

"What is it?" She asked cautiously.

"It's not here. Can you meet me here tomorrow at noon? I'll buy us breakfast too."

"My mom is picking me up at that time from Jenna's." She said sadly. "How about 7, tomorrow night?"

"Perfect." I then realized that we've been still standing a few inches from each other.

"I'm guessing this is the moment where we kiss?" She ask shyly. "I mean we don't have to. It was just a thought. I'm sorry if I made it-"

That's when I just kissed her. I grabbed one side of her face and brought her up to meet my lips. She must of surprised her because it took her a second before she kissed me back. She grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me closer.

I didn't want the moment to end because just then her phone went off.

"Shit." she swore under her breath. "Jenna's mom is going to get us in 30 minutes."

"Oh." was all I could manage. "The guys are probably wondering where I am too. So.." I ran off.

"Yeah." she agreed.

With that her and I headed back.

Guys the plans I have for the future chapters are on point you don't even know just wait on it!
Thanks for reading again.

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