17. Wish

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Shawn and I broke away. It was getting colder by the minute and it didn't help much that we were soaking wet.

"Come on. Let's go." Shawn said grabbing my hand and leading down the street. "We need I get out of this rain."

"Where are we going?" I asked finding my voice again. Shawn didn't answer because we had reached a hotel nearby.

It was a decent 5 story hotel nothing too fancy. We walked up to the desk the lady checking us in looked at us funny.

"How many I help you two." She asked pausing mid type.

"Can we have a room with two beds please?" Shawn said taking his backpack off his back and reaching in for his wallet. I hadn't even noticed that he was wearing one.

"Let me check." The lady did a little scrolling through the screen on the computer. "Uh, sorry. Looks like we should our last double bed room a few hours ago. I can book you a single bed room with a couch that can pull out?"

Shawn glanced back at me. "Yeah, that would be fine." He handed over his credit card that I never knew he had.

"Room 213. Here is two passes for breakfast in the morning." The lady said handing over the key.

"Thank you." Shawn and I said at the same time. We made our way to the second floor.

Once we entered the room Shawn and I stayed in the doorway. The room was nice, but we didn't know what to do.

"Will your parents be mad at you?" He asked.

"When are they not?" I said taking off my sweater. My shirt stuck heavily to me. "I might as well try to enjoy my last night of freedom. I guess I'll take a shower first."

"Alright." was all he said. He hasn't even left his spot at the door. "I'll try to figure out how the couch works then I'll go down and ask for extra pillows and then-"

I cut him off. "You don't have to sleep on the couch. You can.. Sleep with me." He rose his eyebrow in surprise.

"You sure?" He asked seriously.

"Yeah, I want you too. Plus a queen bed is way to big for just one person." I smiled a little bit.

He nodded to himself. I walked into the bathroom for my shower. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened just a few hours ago. I felt exhausted, but at least he knew how I felt. I suddenly felt this feeling of relief. I don't know how things are going to be after this, but I had Shawn back.

I turned off the water and realized that I didn't have clothes. I put on a bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom. I looked on the bed and saw that there was an oversized shirt that had the logo of the hotel on the front. I smiled because Shawn remembered that I love sleeping in oversized shirts.

I threw on the shirt a few seconds before Shawn came into the room.

"I guess it's mine turn." He said squeezing past me. He paused for a second before carrying on. He was out of the shower in 15 minutes.

We both sat on the foot of the bed not saying anything. Staring at the blank TV. The lights were off, I couldn't bring myself to sleep.

"What did you wish for today?" I was confused on why he asked that until I realized it was still my birthday.

"Something." I answered.

"Do you think it will come true?" I reached over and slid my fingers into his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I think.. I think it already did." I turned to face him. He leaned down halfway as if he was about to kiss me. I leaned up and kissed him.

I got up and stood in front of him not breaking the kiss. The kiss got more and more intense. Shawn slid himself back pulling me along so we were fully on the bed. I took off his shirt. He then broke away from me.

"I don't think.. Kayla we shouldn't.. Are you sure?" I couldn't see his face in the dark. It wasn't like this was our first time.

"No." I answered honestly. I scooted up until I was in front of him. I turned and faced away from him so my back was to his stomach. He slid his arm around my waist and pulled me just a little bit closer and I swear it was the first time I slept peacefully in weeks.

Guys I have to end this book soon, but I don't know how! Maybe a few more chapters? I want to get to know you guys too! So, message me anytime you want (:
- A

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