18. Presents

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Coming over - James Hersey (Filous Remix)

I reached over and turned off my alarm clock. I looked around the room. I scratched my head and pulled the covers off me. I stumbled into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back to my bed and checked the messages on my phone.

"MCKAYLA COME ON DOWN! IT'S TIME FOR PRESENTS!" a man's voice yelled from downstairs.

I checked the date on my phone and it was 'December 25th'. I then thought about the important gift that was waiting downstairs under the Christmas tree. I quickly pulled on some long red plaid pajama pants and a loose white tee.

When I reached downstairs I noticed that the presents under the tree had grown on top of the presents I added at 2am.

I took a pillow from the couch and sat on the floor in next to the tree.

"For my lady." Shawn said coming out of kitchen. He gave me a cup of hot chocolate and a kiss.

"Thank you my kind sir." I grinned. We separated the presents that were for him, the ones for me, and the ones for both of us into piles. We had a lot that were for both of us considering that after we got married we moved to a city that at 1 hour and a half from LA. We didn't want to be near where everything was happening so we settled for a small neighborhood with more than nice houses.

We got a lot of house warming gifts. We got picture frames, frames with pictures already inside it. We got personal letters.

My brother Mark, his wife Katie, and son Luke, painted us a picture. They lived in Florida and were flying in for the New Years party at our house.

Melina is attending UCLA. So I saw her mostly on the weekends. I got her a map of all the best places to eat when she goes to Spain for the summer.

I got Shawn a lot of clothes, shoes, and watches. He got me a lot of jewelry, gift cards, and books. He also surprised me with a picture of a dock that went out into a lake and had a wooden roof over it. I was confused.

"Take a look at the sign." He grinned taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

I looked at the sign above it and realized that it said 'Safe House'. It was our dock. Shawn got it built nicer so it could be remembered for years. I was speechless.

"Thank you." I said as a lump formed in my throat. Just remembering all the memories that dock brought us made me feel happy.

"We should probably clean this up." Shawn said looking at all the wrapping paper around us.

"There's one more present." I said reaching underneath the tree. I pulled out the envelope and handed it to him. "It's from me."

I chewed nervously at the bottom of my lip as he read what was inside.

'This coupon is presented to Shawn Mendes. You may redeem your prize August 2024 at St. Joseph's Hospital.'

He drew his eyebrows in confusion. "August isn't for another 9 months. Why would I have to..." He slowly looked up at me as it dawned on him.

He came over to me and gathered me in his arms. He gave me a long kiss and then got near my stomach.

"Hey little guy. Or girl." He whispered. "It's me. Your Dad."

Tears were coming down my face, but I couldn't stop smiling. "Merry Christmas Shawn."

"Merry Christmas."


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