1. First Day

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"KAYLA COME ON WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Mark, my older brother, while holding his hand down on the horn.

"I'M COMING DOWN!" I yelled back as I finished putting my hair in a ponytail.

Today was my first day of High School and I was pretty okay with it. I wasn't the only on starting in a new place. Melina, my younger sister, was starting 8th grade while Mark, my older brother was starting his Senior year.

Another reason I wasn't nervous is because Jessica was getting a ride with us so I didn't have to face it alone. Even though she is going to school with people she has known since forever.

Before I went out the front door I looked over my outfit again. I was wearing a simple sweater with jeans that were rolled up a little at the bottom and white converse.

I grabbed my back pack and hopped in the car. Jessica was already in the talking a mile per hour to Mark about the football team he was playing running back for.

When we finally arrived at school. Mark found a parking spot. Jessica and I quickly got out because he had warned us that he was going to meet up with some of the teachers. He was determined to have good recommendations so, he can go to a good college.

Jessica ran ahead stopping every few strides to greet a group of people. I took the simple way and just walked. Some people looked my way and gave a small smile while others just plain stared. So much for not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb.

As I approached the group all conversations stopped. They were all staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're braces.." Someone started.

"..are off." finished someone else.

"Yeah, that's what eventually happens when you have braces for 6 years." Jessica said rolling her eyes.

"2." I corrected her but, she just smiled.

"That reminds me Shawny boy," Jake said smacking Shawn on the back. "When is it time for you to get your metals off."

I looked over at him as he made a pained expression. "2 more weeks." he replied through clenched teeth.

"So what's everyone's schedule?" Mallory piped up.

Everyone started naming off teachers.

"Mr. Brown?" I said nervously.

"English?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, room 328."

"Sweet. I mean, cool. Same here. Maybe we could walk there together? Since you know I know this school better then you and all." He said scratching the back of his head. "That sounded bad but, you know what I mean."

I laughed. "Alright, Mr. Know-It-All." I said back playfully.

Then he stared at me with a stupid grin. My face suddenly got really hot. So did his.


"We should probably go." He suggested.

"Right." I said heading towards a direction at random.

"Uh, Mckayla? It's this way" he said pointing the other way.

"I knew that." I said brushing past him. He caught up to me standing directly next to me. He closeness caused our hands to brush past each other every few steps.

Niether of us moved away from each other and that's how it stayed.

Thanks for reading! It's gonna be a slow start but it will get more interesting later on.

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