38. More school

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"Athy!!!" Jeannette shrieked.

The whole class, which was bubbling with excitement and swarming Jeannette's desk just a second ago, went mute suddenly as said princess stood up so fast her chair fell back pushed through the crowd of students to reach the class entrance where Athanasia stood shyly with Ijekiel.

"I've been searching for you!!" Jeannette said worriedly as she joined them at the entrance "You were following me for a second and for one sec-oh and hi Kiel-I turned back and you were nowhere to be seen!!! Are you okay? Where'd you go?? I was afraid you wouldn't be able to find your way back here!!"

Behind her the class started murmuring but she didn't really care. Why should she, great chances were that she'd never actually ever interact with them.

"I lost you in the crowded hall." Athanasia said "Thankfully sir Alpheus was here to show me the way!"

"It was an honor to be your escort!" Ijekiel beamed.

The blonde wondered if he had to put it that way, but she didn't really care at the end.

She's caring about nothing these days. She read somewhere that these were symptoms of depression.

"Ijekiel, your class is in a whole other wing, shouldn't you get going?" Jeannette wondered, pointing at the clock.

"The teacher will understand once I explain." Ijekiel shrugged "But you're right, I better be off! I'll see you!"

He gave Athanasia a smile and waved to Jeannette before leaving the classroom.

Athanasia immediately wanted to follow him out. A classroom with other students was much different than having a tutor to herself. There were about 20 students here, all dressed in the same expensive uniform. The school was originally meant only for noble children, but the rich bourgeoisie could squeeze their children in an open slot with enough money. 20 desks with glistening premium quality wood. The school was obviously well funded. The princess could just look at the rows of thick books behind the class and the quantity of expensive pens kept in storage for students who'd forget their stuff. The 18 students other than herself and Jeannette didn't look mean. They just look...judging. And that really sent a shiver through the new student's spine. Somehow they still looked easier to win over than the emperor.

"Come sit with me." Jeannette grabbed her wrist and puller her towards her desk in the corner. She gave Athanasia the seat closer to the window.

They both sat down as the bell rang and all the other students gained their places. Everyone kept glancing every while towards the two princesses, or eyeing them, thinking they wouldn't see. If the bell didn't ring so early they would've made conversation and swarmed the two.

A lady walked in, the teacher, undoubtedly. Athanasia did like the rest of the class did, stood up, and bowed to her. It was very strange because her tutor was always the one bowing to her. She never had to bow to anybody except for the emperor.

The teacher didn't look too mean. She was dressed modestly in a casual dress and her hair was tied into a neat bun. Athanasia gave her 33 years of age maximum. She didn't look like she came from a noble family but more like from a very well educated commoner family. The empress did tell her a bit about how teaching quality came from the level of education and experience and not the bloodline. Some commoner families are just as strict and restrictive to their children as the noble families would be.

The lady's voice was monotonous but loud enough for everyone to hear. She welcomed the princess first as if she was just any other normal new student and then proceeded to start the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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